Chapter 36

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Harry's POV:

It was warm today but there was a slight breeze, it caused strands of Lola's hair to fly around her face even though she had it up and I could tell it annoyed her by the way she kept scrunching up her nose and trying to push it back with her fingers. My hand was latched onto Lux's and my other one interwined with Lola's delicate fingers.

"Wola lets go play sand pwit" Lux spoke from beside me, tilting her head. Lola laughed and nodded. She unlatched our fingers and walked over to Lux, they both walked over to the sand pit and I took a seat at the bench situated on the side of the park.

I was in view of the two girls, who were both very unaware that I was watching them. I liked the way that Lux had grown so attatched to Lola within that past hour, it made me trust her even more than I already do. I watched as Lola picked up a stray bucket and spade and they both filled it with sand - I knew it wouldn't work as they'd used dry sand but it was funny watching them give the bucket three 'magic taps' with the spade, and then watching the sand pour out. Their faces were priceless. It made me think of the very few times Lux had been taken to the beach, about twice i'd say; it made me sad, if I had it my way, i'd take her everywhere possible but Frank has this claim on her. He takes her to nursery, picks her up, gives her a bottle and then sends her to bed. Me and mum barely even see her, but we know better than to argue with him. So when he's at a work conference, I make it my job to spend as much time with her as possible. 

Then I watch Lola, the fact that she's 16 and doesn't know how to make a damn sand castle kind of breaks my heart, how many times had she been taken to the beach? I want to know how her parents treated her, whether she was kept inside all day, or whether she became independant at such a young age and had to learn to grow up faster than she should've. I hate the fact that she was hurt physically and emotionally and I knew nothing about it, I was helpless; fuck, I still am, I can't erase those memories from her head, she's scarred for life and I just wish I could help her in some way.

What would she do if I found her mum and sister? Would that help or would it just make things harder for her than it already is? My thoughts are cut off when I hear two voices, a young giggly one, and a sweet louder one shouting my name.

I stand up and make my way towards them, seeing the frown on both of their faces practically breaks me in two.

"I have an idea, I'll be back in a second" I say before running back to the car, quickly picking up the water bottle perched on the backseat and running back to them. I pour the water on the sand and they both furrow their eyebrows in confusion and I roll my eyes, taking a seat next to Lola. I begin to make a sandcastle using the damp sand.

"Don't forget to give it three magic taps Harry" Lola winks from beside me and I laugh, nudging her slightly with my elbow and doing as she says. I carefully pull the bucket away.

"Voila!" I cheer and both the girls laugh and clap.

"Wow, you're such a pro" Lola teases beside me and ruffles my hair and stands up, I groan and try to sort my hair out, practically feeling the roll of her eyes beside me. I watch as she takes Lux's hand and walks her over to the climbing frame and slide.


"Thankyou for everything, Harry" Lola whispers beside me, tucking a strand of stray hair behind her ears. Her eyelashes are coated in sand and it just makes her look even cuter, is that even possible?

"You more than welcome, Lo" I say, placing my hand on her cheek and bringing her towards me. Our lips connect and I swear it's the best feeling. Her lips are cool and minty and her hands are warm as her fingers tangle in my hair, turning me on even more.

I wouldn't kiss her like this usually in front of Lux, but she's fast asleep right now in her car seat. The amount of times she laughed, and ran and cried today must've exhausted her, i'm not even surprised.

Lola pulls away from the kiss and gives me one more peck before smiling at me and opening the car door. I make sure that she gets in safely before driving away.


After putting Lux to bed, I trudge into the kitchen to see the last person I want to see right now, sat at the kitchen table, drinking a mug of coffee and eating a slice of toast.

"Who the hell let you in?" I speak sternly, walking closer but staying my distance so I'm not persuaded to punch his fucking face in.

"I've got a key mate don't forget" He speaks, fishing in his back pocket for the object and swinging it around on his index finger.

"What do you want, Ed" I take a seat next to him, watching him intently but his eyes are focused on the piece of bread he's eating.

"I just want to let you know that you failed the one simple task that you were supposed to do. You were supposed to Kill Jake and his gang, but you failed. And I want to know why" He says, finally putting the toast down and staring at me. I'm not usually scared of people, but the only people I slightly fear at all is Frank and Ed. I'm not afraid of them, i'm afraid of the power that they have over me and my life.

"I don't know, I followed two girls that I thought would lead me to him, but I was wrong" I shrugged, playing with the ring on my finger. 

"Where did you put the body's" He says casually, taking another sip of his coffee. I practically choke on my own saliva.


"Oh please tell me you didn't just let them go" His eyes are wide and fists slightly clenched on the table. I gulp.

"No of course not, I've been keeping a close eye on one of them and she'll hopefully lead the way to wherever Jake is hiding" I shrug as if it's the simplest thing.

"Okay good, who's the girl?" he asks and my heart practically stops. I can't tell him about Lola because he'll take things into his own hands, and I can't lose her, I won't lose her. "And don't even think about lying" He adds.

"I don't know, honestly Ed, I'm not getting to know her, I'm just watching her" I say, putting my hands up into the surrender position. Ed stands up, causing the chair to scrape against the floor in which I cringe. Just when I think he's leaving, I stand and he walks up to me.

"Don't you dare mess this one up Styles, you have two weeks to bring Jake to me, dead or alive. I know you're lying because I've been watching you. You're falling for this girl, Lola Callaghan. If you fail to bring me Jake, I will kill that girl of yours. It's your decision, i'd choose wisely if I were you".

Woo double update, aswell as a cliff hanger- kind of haha,

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