Chapter 65

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Harry's POV:

I walk downstairs after shaving, knowing fore well that Lola isn't going to be here. Why would she be? She's not my puppet! The problem with her is that she's just so strong headed all the time, she has to have her own way and when someone (that someone being me) doesn't follow her orders, all hell breaks loose - then again she probably feels exactly the same way towards me. 

Yeah I feel pretty shit at the fact I practically slammed a door on her hand but - I don't really have an excuse. It was a mistake and I hope she knows that I would never intentionally hurt her - I love her! Even if she pisses me off, I do. My phone buzzes and I retrieve it to see it's a message from the devil herself:

From Lola:

don't tell me what to do. I'll make sure to have a good day with Louis.

I try to calm my breathing but my anger takes control. She knows how much that would piss me off - surely she knows that I know they slept together. Why the fuck would she say something like that to me. To make me jealous? To piss me off? To anger me? Well she seems to have done a fucking fabulous job! I walk down the remainders of the stairs and into the kitchen. I don't know what it is that clicks inside of me, but I'm suddenly fuming. Fuck, i'm only a teenager, I shouldn't be love struck on a girl who walks out on me whenever things get tough and does everything in her right mind to anger me to the point of destruction. I push my all the cuttlery, glasses and chinawear sat innocently on the kitchen counter on to the floor, and they fall with a loud clatter. I flinch slightly, before picking up a large glass bowl that Lola uses for baking and I drop it from a height onto the cold hard floor. I lose control of all my senses and start smashing everything I can see, grabbing photo frames off the walls and throwing them across the room, ignoring the loud smash that deafens my ears every time. My foot soon fights it's way through the glass door of the oven and I step back, surprised I even had that much strength. I begin pacing around the kitchen, pulling my hair at the routes. She knows what she does to me, yet she still fucking continues. I'll show her.

Lola's POV:

I don't even recieve a text from Harry after the one I sent him, obviously I'm not going to spend a second of my day with Louis, but I needed something to piss Harry off, he's constantly doing it to me, so why can't I return the kind gesture once in a while. I'm honestly pretty scared to go home, and I shouldn't have to feel like that! Anyone would think he was abusive! But Harry would never hurt me, that's something I know for a fact! I walk out of my last lesson, ready to exit the school gates when a familiar voice shouts my name. I turn around to see Sophia.

"Hey Soph" I greet, turning around and walking to greet her. She looks stunning today, her skin is pale, but her hair is straight and looks extremely smooth, she's wearing white skinny jeans with a rip in the knee and a peach tank top, her top half adorned with a denim jacket rolled up at the wrists. "You look stunning today" I say, looking her up and down and wiggeling my eyebrows at her causing her to burst into fits of giggles.

"Thanks Lola, you look lovely as usual" She tells me in her harmonic voice. "What are you up to right now?" She asks with a big smile on her face. I take a few seconds to debate on what to answer her. It's the end of the day and i'm tired as usual, and would like nothing more than to sit down in front of the TV and watch an episode of skins, but that involves having to see Harry. Looks like the cons outweigh the pros.


"Great" She claps her hands together happily. "Are you up for coming back to mine with Ronnie for a couple hours?" She asks and something sparks inside of me, a feeling of warmth.

"I would want nothing more" I tell her honestly, and that's the truth, Skins can wait a few hours. Her blue eyes light up at my answer.

"Great! Come on, let's walk to Ronnie's car" She grabs my hand, pulling me down the remainder of the driveway, where I see Ronnie's car parked by the pavement. She's sat in the drivers seat, with that always present scowl on her face. I can't really blame her though, her boyfriends missing! I would be the same - if not worse, if that was Harry that had disappeared. Sophia climbs into the front seat and buckles in, I mimick her actions but in the middle back seat. "We're going to have a great old gossip tonight, aren't we Ron?" She smiles towards her bestfriend and Ronnie rolls her eyes.

I divert my eyes out the window, I wonder what Harry's doing right now.

When we arrive back at Sophia's, she unlocks the door and tells us her mum should be home from work very soon.

"Would you like anything to drink?" She asks politely, I shake my head, smiling.

"No i'm okay thanks" I say, Sophia leads us in to her living room where I take a seat.

"Coke" Ronnie answers bluntly, sitting on the sofa also, but not too close. Sophia scuttles off, obviously going to answer to her friend's command. I'm left in the same room as Ronnie, alone! Things are still pretty tense between us since the fight we had in the art room, and now, miss Hill has seperated us. Luckily she moved Ronnie, so I'm still sat by the window with the view! Suddenly it all clicks in my head, How can Ronnie drive? She's 15! Harry's exactly the same, and i've seen his friends in cars aswell; how did I not even think of this before?

"How old are you?" I decide to just come out with the question, looking beside me I notice her act a little startled at my sudden outburst.

"Why?" She asks.

"Well you're in my year, yet you can drive? Same with Harry and his friends?" I'm honestly so confused, how is that even legal?

"Nope, we're all 17" She says like it's nothing and I practically choke on my own breath.

"What?!" I ask, shocked!

"Yeah, Harry didn't tell you?" She gives a small smirk and I want nothing more than to rip it off her face right this second.

"No as a matter of fact, he didn't" I say, completely shocked that these words were even coming out of her mouth. I know I asked her the question, but I was half expecting and hoping(!) for her to say that they all have fake drivers licenses or something?

"Well that's too bad" She shrugs, leaning over to the sofa's arm rest and grabbing the remote, pressing the on button.

"Does Sophia know?" I ask, wondering if i'm the only one that doesn't know of this.

"Yup" blunt.

"And the school?"

"Obviously" She chuckles, shaking her head like it's the most fucking obvious thing in the world. I place my hands over my face and rub - this day has all gotten a little too much for me - although, when doesn't it?!

"I'm going to need you to put a little more effort into this conversation Ronnie" I say, completely exhausted now, but not giving up.

She smirks before answering.

"Why don't you go and ask your beloved boyfriend, i'm sure that he would be more than happy to tell you everything


Sorry that it's taken a while to update, thankyou all for sticking with me though! Hopefully going to update again tonight!!

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