Chapter 13

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I decided to walk because, well come on, who wants to take the bus?! I popped my headphones in and began listening to fall out boy; by far my favourite band. Well that's what everybody thinks but two years ago my gramps sent me a one direction cd for christmas and i'm going to be truthfully honest, it was fab!

I didn't really know my way there but if I recall from the journey I took last time I came here, I have about another 20 minutes. It's already quarter to 4 so I might be a bit late but who could really give two shits. Oh yeah Jake could.

I'd been walking for around 15 minutes now and it was a few minutes past 4, surely Jake wouldn't mind if I was a tad late. One of my favourite songs was just ending when suddenly a hand pulled on my arm and pushed me into a bush. I screeched and fell on my backside, I didn't even have chance to look up to see who it was before I was pulled back up again and thrown harshly against the wall. My head hid the wall and made a painful slapping noise.

'Shit' I muttered to myself as I reached to touch the area that throbbed most on my forehead, to see it was bleeding. I opened my eyes to see a tall man stood over me. I knew instantly who it was.

'J-jake please don't' I pleaded as his fist came in contact with my eye. 

I whimpered quietly.

'I thought I said 4 O'clock' He yelled. I felt like my ear drums had burst.

'I-i'm sorry, I got lost' I stuttered, climbing onto my knees about to get up before I was pushed to the ground again and kicked in the tummy. I cried out in pain.

'Not a fucking good enough excuse Lolita' He bellowed, I cringed when he called me by my full name. I was now lying on my back looking up at him. He crouched down beside me and gently pushed the hair out of the wounds on my face causing me to flinch. Why all of a sudden was he being nice?

'Listen Lola, next time, I don't want you to be a second late! Do you understand?' His voice grew louder.

'Y-yes' I stuttered. My head hurt so much, not forgetting to mention my throbbing eye and tummy. I clutched my tummy gently.

'Is wittle lwola in pwain' He asked, putting on a baby voice. Eugh what a patronising git. He poked the now open cut on my head causing me to cry in pain.

'What do you want with me?' I asked, slowly getting up, I didn't know how badly my head looked and I didn't exactly want to pass out in front of Jake, who knows what would happen then!

He watched me get up and didin't hit or push me back down which was a first!

'From now on you're in my gang, no questions asked or I won't hesitate to kill your loved ones..and then you' He smirked before walking off. I leaned my head again the wall and slide down it. My hands engulfed my face and I cried histerically.

What is it about me?! Do I have some sort of sign on my face saying I WANT TO BE IN YOUR GANG!! No of course I don't! So why do I keep being dragged into these stupid ass gangs.

An hour had passed now and I was still here. It had begun to rain and I was drenched from head to toe.The blood on my forehead had dried to an extent that not even the rain could wash it off. Unfortunately it had dripped onto my hair though and it looked as if it had stained it. This rain is useless! My eye felt seriously bruised, every time I blinked it hurt like hell! I'm pretty sure I had also busted a lip too. The pain in my tummy was excrutionating, making me want to double over on the middle of the pavement. I heard some feet shuffeling from down the pavement and some laughs and deep voices. I quickly crawled behind the bush, I didn't want to be seen. About 5 boys walked past me, I could only see there shoes from the angle I was sitting but when I looked up I was able to make out the faces of the boys. They were the ones from my school, one of them being Harry.

They huddled in a circle close to where I was hiding. Great! just great! The tanned one opposite Harry handed him something black and small, it looked a bit like.. oh my god!

I gasped, before quickly covering my mouth with my hand. Why the hell do they have a gun?! 

'Did you hear that' An unkown voice growled.

'I think It was my tummy' An irish accent ran through my ears making me smile slightly at how cute it was.

'Niall shutup!' The same voice shouted again.

'I'm pretty sure that wasn't your tummy Niall' Harry laughed, causing me to smile again. Wait what am I doing.

'I'm being serious guys' That same deep voice growled again.

'Zayn just drop it! It was probably the wind or something' A high pitched southern accent spoke.

Oh so this guys name was Zayn. *cough cough* dick.

'Back on track guys, So tomorrow is the meet yes?' Harry asked.

'yes' they all answered.

'Okay, so when Jake's gang are there we will pounce' He asks once more. 

'Yes, and you shoot him right in the head, along with every single other member of his gang okay?' Zayn confirmed.

'Got it' Harry nodded.

I gasped once more but quieter this time.

There was mumbeling between them all that I could quite understand before the all walked off. I quickly stood up and scrambled off down the roads trying to find my way home. The streets looked so much more different now that it was raining.

I had been walking for a good hour now and I couldn't recognize any roads nearby whatsoever! I groaned and leaned against a wall and slid down it and cried, similar to what I was doing not long ago. Why do these things always happen to me? Why do I attract such trouble?! I sobbed into my hands, the rain was only getting heavier. I lifted my head slightly when I heard a car come to an abrupt halt, a tall man climbed out with a hoodie on so I couldn't see who it was. 

My instinct got the better of me and I ran for it, I had no clue where I was going but I'd rather be lost than be kidnapped my someone in a big black landrover! I looked behind me to see the car was following.

'WHAT DO YOU WANT!' I screamed at them, flying my hands around in the air. 

The car door opened again, I stumbled back, trying to keep my distance from the stranger. He pulled his hood off and I sighed in relief, before even thinking what I was doing, I ran up to him and burried my head in his neck and cried histerically.

'Harry' I sobbed.

'Lola! What the hell has happened to you' He yells causing me to flinch. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout' He spoke quieter than before but still quite loudly. He placed his warm hand on my cheek and tilted it up to look at him. I couldn't tell what his expression was. It was a mixture of suprise, anger, confusion and a hint of sadness behind his green eyes.

The tears started falling freely again and he pulled me into his chest and whispered soothing words into my hair whilst rubbing my back. 'Sh shh it's okay Lola, it's okay. I've got you, you're safe' He picked me up and gently placed me in the passenger seat of his car.

Once he shut the door, I leaned my head on the window and one last tear fell from my cheek before I quickly wiped it away and realised what I was doing.

I was getting in the car with someone who, tomorrow, was planning on killing me.



I advise you to all read obsession by 1D_Lover21

I am just as addicted to obsession as i am to After, and that's saying something!! So please read, plus now there is an obsession 2 omfg!!!

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