Chapter 43

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Sophia's POV:

"I pinky promi-" I begin to say, but i'm soon cut off by a loud, earpiercing scream sounding from one of my best friends' mouths. She's screaming uncontrollably, eyes scrued shut. I join her out of pure fear and confusion to what's going on. You know when somebody looks at your hair or something and they scream, you scream also because you're scared that there's some kind of bug in there. Well it's just like that, except this is different, and slightly scarier! I scan Lola's body for any sort of clue that she may be in pain, my eyes widen drastically when I see blood trickeling from her stomach, it's not just a little blood though, it's a lot and It looks somewhat like a gunshot.

Now I decide to scream, because now I know what's going on and I kinda wish I didn't. Yes, people in Jake's gang have experience bullet wounds before and I was there; but there were most likely at least 5 other people nearby to help. Whereas this is just me, her life is depending on me.

"Lola, shhhh, it's going be okay! I'm going to get help!" I say, placing my hands firmly on either side of her face, she nods, by now she's no longer screaming, nor crying, just breathing-extremely heavily I must add. She has both of her hands pressed firmly against her wound.

"P-please get Harry" She whimpers, eyes screwing shut again and groaning in pain and discomfort I guess.

"Lola, I need to get someone who knows what they're doing!" I say, my voice stern but eyes sympathetic.

"No! You have to get Harry!" She yells at me, by now the blood is seeping through her fingers and I realise we have no time to waste here. I nod and pull out my phone, dialling Harry's number. I'm lucky I have it saved. Jake used to give us all of Harry's gang's numbers so that we could track them down if we needed to find them. It rings a few times, no answer. I ring again..and still no answer.

"C'mon Harry, please pick up" I whisper to myself, calling him for the third time. Just as I was about to put the phone down, he picks up.

"What?" He answers and I roll my eyes; angry as usual.

"Harry, you need to get to the park, now!" I order him, I hear another whimper coming from Lola's parted lips and I tap my foot on the ground impatiently waiting for Harry to reply.

"I'm busy, fuck off, bye" I hear him fumble around, obviously finding the decline button so he can hang up but I beat him to it.

"It's Lola!" I yell and I can practically hear his breathing speed up.

"What?" He asks quietly, obviously afraid of the answer.

"She's been shot, you need to get to the park, now!" I yell.

"Who the hell shot her?" He shouts into the reciever and I have to move the mic a few milimtres away from my ear to prevent damage to the fricking ear drums.

"I don't know Harry! You just need to get here now! she's loosing alot of blood" 

"Fuck! I'm on my way!" The phone is silent for a few seconds but I know he's still there. "Sophia, please, don't let her go" He whimpers softly and my heart practically breaks for him, he is a good guy; even though he sure as hell doesnt act like it and does a shit load of bad things, he doesn't deserve this. I'm about to reply when Lola groans from infront of me and doubles over in pain. 

"Just get here, now!" I yell, hanging up and rushing to her side. "Shh Lola, it's going to be okay, Harry's on his way" I say, pushing the loose strands of her hair away from her face. She barely nods, and I notice her going extremely pale and hands starting to shake.

Lola's POV

I'm so scared. This isn't the first time that i've been shot but i've never had so much to lose before. I want nothing more than Harry's arms wrapped around me right now. I can't think straight, all my mind averts to is the pain in my lower abdomen. I look down at my hands and realise every inch of them is covered in blood; my blood. 

Sophia's stood in front of me, breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth, and telling me to copy her. But part of me wonders whether she's breathing like that to calm herself down! I know i'd be like that if I was in her position anyway.

"Sophia?" I hear a voice call from a few yards away, and oh how i've yearned for that voice in the past few minutes. Sophia's head snaps to the direction Harry's voice was coming from.

"Harry!" She yells back and i'm soon in vision of the curly haired boy sprinting my way. My eyes begin to get droopy and I feel myself falling, but only to be caught by tattood arms.

"Harry" I whisper, resting my head on his shoulder, still breathing deeply.

"Lola, please don't close your eyes. Keep them open for me, baby. Come on" He orders me. My eyes are half shut now, I can barely even make out his face. "Sophia, call the ambulance now!" There's no reply, so i'm guessing she just nodded and did as he said. "Listen to me baby, You're gonna pull through this. We have so many things that you and me have to do and achieve. I know it's only been two weeks, but fuck, I'm falling for you; so so hard. And I would never usually say this to someone so early but I can't miss any opportunities now, Lola, I think I'm falling in love with you!" He speaks, voice dripping with emotion.

Harry styles just told me he loved me.

And I 100% Love him back.

I smile faintly before my eyes close and I black out completely, before hearing a yell, sounding alot like Lola.

I will do a double update if I get one vote and one comment!!!

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