Chapter 14

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'Lola?' Harry asked whilst driving, he kept his eyes on the road pretty much the whole time apart from a few seconds when he looked over at me, i'm pretty sure it was to check if I was still conscious.

He sighed. 'Lola what happened to you, why are you all bruised and bloody' He asked calmly.

'Wow you sure know how to compliment a girl harry' I smirked, looking out the window.

'This is serious, you could be badly injured. Who did this to you?' He asked once more.

I noticed we went passed my road.

'Oh you went past my road Harry, it's just down there' I said, pointing out the window.

'Awh thats nice' He coos, continuing to drive.

'Please just take me home' I plead

'uh uh' He shaked his head

'Where are we going then?' I questioned, I just wanted to go home, shower and then sleep!

'To mine' He spoke like he was stating the obvious.

'Please Harry, My parents will start to worry' I lied.

'You can text them' he continued to be hard work.

I groaned. 'Please' I whimpered.

I heard him sigh before he took a U turn and started driving back in the opposite direction. I mentally high fived myself. I said thankyou under my breath as we pulled up to my drive. I saw him looking at my driveway with furrowed eyebrows.

'Looking for something Styles?' I asked chuckling.

'No no, I was just wondering where your parents cars are?'


I pretend to look shocked and confused. 'Oh they must have gone out' I shrug before getting my bag and climbing out the car. I was just about to turn to go up the steps to my front door when I spun back round to face Harry.

'Um, you could come in if you want? It's only my gramps in there and he doesn't know who's who half of the time' I laugh to myself.

'Oh um a-are you sure?' He stuttered. I wanted to double over and laugh histerically. Harry Styles, stuttering?! No I don't believe it.

'Yes you pussy, now are you coming in or not' I whined.

Without hesitation, he hopped out of his car and followed me up to my doorway.

Harry's POV

I followed her into her house, it was a small place but it was cosy. Complete opposite to mine.

'Stay here' her calm voice ran throughout my ears, i nodded and stayed by the door in the kitchen as she went through into the living room. There was a serving hatch in the wall, so I could see her perfectly as she crouched in front of a crippled old man sat on a big chair. She tapped him on the hand and he snapped out of his daydream and focused on her, causing his smile to beam brightly. I can't really blame him to be honest. I couldn't really make out what they were saying but they looked like they had finished talking when she kissed him on the forehead and walked past him and back towards me.

She smiled at me and lead me up the small staircase.

'Do you have any first aid?' I asked, she snapped her head towards me quickly.

' why, are you hurt?' She asked, looking me up and down in search for any injuries.

I shook my head quickly. 'No no, for you!' I corrected her.

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