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I walked in to the smell of coconuts and seeing a tan, smiling face coming towards me. "Ethan! Who is this beautiful young lady?"

"This is Kylie, Kylie this is my mom," He gestures to each of us.

"Hi Kylie! I'm Lisa, Sean is somewhere around here, Lord knows where." She says and I chuckle. My mom always said the same thing just letting my dad do whatever.

"Nice to meet you," I say smiling.

"Did you just move here? I haven't seen you around. Plus I don't know how Ethan could've passed up such a beautiful girl for all these years!" I saw Ethan blush out of the corner of my eye.

"Yeah, I just moved here yesterday with my grandparents next door." I respond.

"Oh! Jill and Liam! They're just wonderful!"

"Yeah," I say smiling.

"Mom I'm gonna take her to see my boards and stuff. She's taking a lesson from me tomorrow," He looks down at me and smiles, "We'll be back up later." Ethan tells his mom as we walk toward what I'm assuming is the basement door.

We go down the steps into a room with couches and a huge TV, with doors on all of the surrounding walls with different surprises behind each one. He opened the door walking into a room that was filled with beautiful surfboards with all different types of designs. It was truly so amazing.

"Choose one." Ethan said behind me.

I turn around fast, "What?" I say confused.

"Choose a board you want to ride, it can be yours."

"You're lying," I say lightly laughing.

"No seriously, Ky you need a board and we have so many. Personally I think this one would fit you so well." He pointed to a board that was a tan color for the base and had light blue flowers and waves all over it. I loved it.

"It's beautiful oh my gosh!" I saw looking at him as he grinned my way. "Are you sure?" I ask not wanting to just take a board from him.

"100%," He said taking it off the rack and setting it on a wooden table in the middle of the room. "So first step, sex wax." He said hovering the board with both hands on top of it.

"I'm sorry, what?"

He chuckled. "It's something you put on the board that helps you keep a grip."

"Oh," I say blushing deeply and looking down. "So do you like have some" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm gonna put it on tomorrow, I just wanted to surprise you with picking out your board." He smiles moving closer to me. I look up at him and he's still grinning like a fool.


"Just your reaction when I said the words sex wax."

"Stop," I say laughing and playfully push him.

"Well," he says clapping his hands like he snapped out of a trance, "Wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Sure, but first where's the restroom?"

"Upstairs, then upstairs again, and it's the second door on the left. I'll be down here on the couch when you're done." He says plopping down on the couch.

"Alrighty," I say making my way towards the bathroom.

After walking up the two flights of stairs I begin to walk to the second door on the left as Ethan told me. But curiosity took control and I looked in one of the rooms with the door wide open, revealing Grayson.

"Oh hey Grayson. Done with Callie so soon?" I smirk.

He chuckled at my opening response, "No, she was having a family dinner and I didn't want to intrude."


"I see you're here with E. How is he?" He smirks, staring at his phone.

"Pretty good, he's showing me some surfboards and let me choose one for my lessons tomorrow."

"Lessons?" Grayson asked looking up.

"Yeah, he said he'd give me some free surfing ones because the store he works at has them." I say, he should know that?

"Hm, you must be super special."


"Ethan obviously likes you," Grayson says to me in a duh tone.

"What do you mean? We're just friends."

He laughs and shakes his head, "Maybe for now. Ethan would never just give out free lessons or take them home to choose one of his boards him and his dad made together."

I blush deeply and look at the ground, smiling. Ethan likes me? We just met, he is super cute and so sweet. But it's been barely a day. I don't know. "I gotta go."

"Yeah, better not keep Ethan waiting."

I walk down the hallway back downstairs not even having to use the bathroom anymore. I just wanted to be with him.

— — —

As we sat on the couch watching 'Maze Runner' all I could think about was what Grayson said. Why would Ethan give me a board that him and his dad made? Like yeah there's a lot of them, but those should be special.

I couldn't help myself, "Why did you give me something you and your dad made together? Shouldn't that be like special or something?"

He looks at me, "How did you know?"

"Grayson told me. He said that I must be special because of all this."

"I'm gonna kill him," He said shaking his head looking toward the ceiling.

"For what?"

"For telling you you're special before I could." He said looking back at me. I felt his arms snake around my waist under the blanket we shared. I stayed silent not wanting to ruin the moment. He scooted down to lay his head on my shoulder as we continued watching the movie.

"Your heart is beating really fast," Ethan says to me.

"It's freaking out because there's a really cute guy laying on me," I instantly cover my mouth. Why did I say that?

I felt him smile against my shirt. "You think I'm attractive," He says still smiling.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I say crossing my arms, hiding a smile.

"For what it's worth, I think you're 'really cute' too." He said mocking me. We stayed silent throughout the movie. This boy has me wrapped around his finger so much.

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