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Kylie's POV

I woke up smiling, engulfed in the smell of Ethan's cologne. I looked up at him, peacefully sleeping and all I could think is I really like this boy.

Ever since I got here he's been slowly filling the hole in my heart that my parents left. Which is exactly what I needed.

I admired every single one of his features, the way his hair flops against his forehead in one swoop, the way half of his mouth was curled into a smile, how his eyelashes laid softly against his cheeks. My finger traced the indentions in his face. He was truly perfect.

"Stop staring," he whispered making me jump.

He chuckled, "I thought you were sleeping," I say and his eyes flutter open looking down at me.

"I was until I felt your fingers against my face," He laughs lightly and I blush, hiding behind my hands.

"Don't hide from me," he says removing my hands from my face.

We stare at each other in comfortable silence, but suddenly Ethan's face looked sad yet angry, like he just remembered something.

"Why is Matt from school texting you? Is he actually trying to hook up with you? After I beat his ass?" He said as his eyes became glossy.

"What do you mean? I'm not texting Matt from school?" I'm seriously so confused. I don't have that douchebags number.

"I couldn't sleep last night and your phone buzzed but I thought it was mine so I read the first part of the text and it was from someone named Matt."

I thought for a second, I don't- oh. The one from Atlanta.

"Oh, that was this guy named Matt I met at the airport in Atlanta. The day I was moving here he asked for my number." I say wiping a tear that fell on his cheeks. "Can you hand me my phone?" I ask.

He nods, still looking upset. "I don't plan on having a thing with him, Ethan." I reassure him. "He's just a friend."

I pull up the text from Matt and read it,

M: Hey! I know it's late but I wanted to know if you ever got the flowers? I never got a response.

Oh my god. I never texted him back.

Me: Omg. I totally forgot to text you I'm so so sorry! So many things were happening that day but yes, I got them! Thank you so much they were so pretty.

"Ah, so he was the secret admirer." Ethan blurts.

"Huh?" I respond.

"The day you asked me if I sent you flowers and I said no, I told you that you have a secret admirer. And he's it." He explains.

"Oh, yeah. I'm a horrible person, I forgot to say thank you." I say chuckling and Ethan joins in.

"You aren't horrible." He says tucking a piece of my hair behind my ear. "I just want you to be mine, and only mine."

I threw my phone on the ground and moved closer to him. "Ethan, I am yours. Nobody else's, I promise." I smiled and placed a long kiss on his lips.

"The same goes for you baby," He says grinning.

— — —


Ethan's POV

I'll admit I'm pretty nervous for today. The last time I was here, I beat Matt's ass for what he said about Kylie, got a concussion, and went to the hospital. I think I'm fine.

I honestly don't know where Matt is, I haven't heard where they took him. Or if he's even alive. Oops.

I walked through the doors to the school with Kylie by my side, our hands intertwined.

We walked through the halls, getting several stares and whispers.

"I'm gonna go put my stuff up in my locker and find Callie, I'll see you in 3rd okay?" Kylie says and kisses my cheek.

"See you soon cutie." I say winking at her. She looks so good today, a white crop top, black high waisted shorts, and white slip on vans. Damn, she could pull off a skater look any day.

As I was walking to my locker, I felt an arm go around my neck.

"Hey man, you didn't hear it from me, but Matt is looking for you. He's pretty fucked up, and he's looking to get some pay back. See ya," this random guy I've never seen in my life said and walked away.

Alright. I continued to my locker, confused as fuck.

"Yo, E. Did you hear?" Grayson came jogging up behind me.

"Yep. I'll have to tell Kylie about this. What if he goes for her? If that's his payback, I'll beat him senseless. Nobody will ever hurt her." I say turning around.

"Bro what's into you? That's not like you at all." He asks.

I thought for a second. What is with me? I'm so protective, ever since Kylie came into my life I've been reckless just to save her.

I looked up at my brother, "I-I have no idea." I look down at my feet.

"Hey it's okay. You're just trying to protect your girl. And maybe your guard is up because of what Emily did to you. I'm the same way about Callie. That girl makes me go crazy." He says understandingly.

Fuck. Emily. Kylie and I never told them what happened on our date. We just all kind of left and didn't talk about it.

"I heard my name?" Callie says walking up and sliding her hand into Gray's. I wish Kylie was over here.

"Before you two go off to some hallway to make out," I say grinning and Grayson gives me a death stare, "Gray I have to tell you something later. Now, I'm going to class." I turn around on the balls of my feet and head to chemistry.

Kylie's POV

I feel bad for lying to Ethan. But they said I had to come alone.

I turn the corner, occasionally looking at my phone following the directions in the text from the unknown number. I finally arrived to what said Band Room.

My hand turns the rusted nob of the heavy door, allowing a loud screech to escape the door hinges. I saw nobody in the musty room.

"You came." A deep, husky voice said chuckling.

My heart started racing, I turned around in the direction of the recognizable voice.

Standing there stood the tall figure, with cuts and bruises all over his face.

"Matt," I gulp.

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