The Discovery

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"Her vitals have slowed significantly since last night, I think it would be best that you all make your way here. Honestly it could be any minute now."

"Lauren, quickly get your aunt on the phone and tell her to meet us at the hospital, they think it's time."

Following my mothers commands, I began to dial my aunts number to inform her.

Although we knew the day would come, nothing could've prepared us for that moment.

My grandmother Olivia had been diagnosed with dementia back in 2007 and things hadn't been the same since.

Witty, kind, and full of life, I watched her deteriorate from her once former self, to just a shell, that harshly reminded us of what sadly left.


Tears welled up in my eyes as we braced ourselves to say goodbye. I believe the only relief from the whole situation is knowing that she wouldn't suffer any longer, but letting go of someone you love? It's never easy.

Standing near the bed, I watched as she breathed deeply, but slowly. Each breath she struggled to take, but managed to keep her eyes on me.

Opening her mouth, she began to mumble, which startled everyone considering she hadn't said much over the last three months.


"Mama? What are you saying?" My mother Caroline kneeled down, looking at her carefully.

"The journal." She whispered.

"What journal is she talking about?" My aunt Elizabeth questioned.

"She's passing." The nurse remorsefully said.

The priest stepped over, opening his bible and began to pray.

It wasn't too long after that her eyes closed, expelling her final breath.


Five months had passed and we were just getting around to unpacking the majority of my grandmother's things that were left in storage.

"Will you grab that big one and go through it?" Caroline asked. "If you see anything important let me know."

Pulling the box to the side, I started to pick through. Specks of dust filled the air causing repetitive sneezes to exit my body.

"Ew." I whimpered through a sniff, lifting an old bible from inside.

After rummaging through the majority of the box, my eyes rested upon a medium sized book that appeared to be a journal of some sort.

This must be what Grandma Liv spoke about, I thought while grabbing it. Flipping through, I instantly recognized the excellent penmanship that filled the pages.

My eyes skimmed the words quickly, and I realized it was something that took more time to read. Just as I went to place it on my nightstand, a photo slid out and flew down onto my floor.

"Christopher, My love.." I read off of the back after picking it up.

Curiously, I turned the photograph over to be met with the image of a man I'd never seen, nor heard of.

Curiously, I turned the photograph over to be met with the image of a man I'd never seen, nor heard of

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"Who is this?!" I blurted, speeding through the door with the photo in hand.


The Story of Olivia Tracy Where stories live. Discover now