September 21, 1953

198 24 93

Author's Note: 💜
Please excuse any typos or grammatical errors guys, it's late and I will completely edit later.


Off days were a rarity, some sort of a once in a blue moon type occurrence for Lawrence Perkins. So as morning came, he decided to take full advantage of his day, lounging around his home as well as planning to spend time downtown for errands.

Freshly bathed and shaved, he made his way into the hall, where the buttery aroma of wife's signature cornbread met him. Although his belly rumbled in delight due to the delicious feast she was making, his mind clouded with suspicion. See, a few days had passed and Louise was being extra sweet. Always loving and kind hearted she was, but these gestures were beyond nice: soft kisses, back rubs, Lawrence's favorite dishes. Everything in him wanted to believe she was catering to him just cause, but certainly he was no fool. Something was up, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it or decide whether he was suffering from paranoia.

Nonetheless, he kept his mouth shut, partaking and enjoying whatever Louise had to offer.

But it still didn't keep his mind from wondering.


Sunny days and quiet highways. Two things that Christopher immensely enjoyed and could go on about. Driving, the road he traveled was one he favorited for many reasons. Usually it was because traffic was light, and potholes weren't there to be dodged every second. But his fondness had increased for this particular one, it was special.

Very special, that's what he coined it. This road was one that he and Olivia had taken umpteenth times, especially once she became confident with driving. Sometimes he'd just let her take over, making himself comfortable on the passenger's side just to watch her.

He loved watching her.

Like a favored pastime, being in her presence was something higher than a thrill for him, exceeding the ultimate climax, resulting with internal bliss and serenity.

Which sadly, he never had before.

She made him happy, but the joy in his heart wasn't enough to end the troubles that plagued his mind.

On his way to the Shaw residence in which his mother requested, Christopher thought of how he would break the news about Olivia's pregnancy. It was no secret, he knew that no one would be happy, but hoped Lorraine would be somewhat understanding. His father was a bigger issue, Christopher knew that he'd be beyond angry.

But what happened was done, Olivia was pregnant and there was nothing they could do about it. Besides, he was happy, ecstatic even. Still, he felt a surge of guilt. At only 19, Olivia would become a mother. She possessed the most perfect traits, and Lord above was she angel, but was she ready?

It's true, he questioned that. Scornfully scolding himself at times for possibly taking her too fast, starting something that she wasn't prepared for. Sure, he loved making love to her, and he was certain that she enjoyed the act as well. But it still didn't dismiss the fact that Christopher knew he could've been more careful. As a man he felt that ultimately, it was his responsibility. He was the one responsible for the slip ups and moments of not having a single care. He didn't protect her the way he'd promised, and he hated that.

Loosening his grip on the steering wheel after coming to a stop light, he sighed. Overwhelmed, the idea of fatherhood weighed on him heavy. Growing up, he never bonded or had that great of a relationship with Richard. That caused tension between he and his brother. Honestly there wasn't a thing that Christopher envied Grant about, except that.

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