May 31, 1954

174 24 107

Author's Note: Readers! I know that I claimed hiatus but I felt bad for going awhile without updating. There are only just a few chapters left, can you believe we are finally nearing towards the end? I can't believe it! Now we'll be able to get your questions answered.

But back to what's important, this new entry.



Popping the cork, Richard Shaw poured himself a tall glass of wine. Nearly 10 AM, he had returned home from his business to retrieve his wallet, but seeing his wife come down the stairs in preparation to leave caught him by surprise.

"Lorraine, where ya off to?"

Pocketbook hanging from the wrist with a white bag to her abdomen, she struggled to think of an explanation.

"I-I didn't know ya were back here. How come ya not over at the office?"

Gulping the last of the wine, Richard placed the glass into the sink.

"I came back for my wallet. Now I asked where ya off to. The sink is full and the living room is filthy."

"I've got some business to tend to, that's all."

"What's in the bag?"

She didn't give an answer.

Trampling over, Lorraine jumped as the bag was snatched from her hands.

"Oh I see," Richard chuckled. "So this where plenty of my money's been goin'? On baby shit. Didn't I tell ya I didn't want ya to have nothin' to do with them or that child?"


"There ain't no buts, learn to do as I say!"

"This has all gone on too long now! Christopher is our son."

"It was his choice Lorraine. He made the decision."

"Yes after ya made things hard for him. Don't ya have a heart? Do ya at least feel bad about anything that's happened? He's a father now, to a little girl Richard and she's beautiful."

A little girl. Richard had always wanted a daughter, but after the difficult birth of Christopher, Lorraine didn't want to try again. Now that it was brought to his attention, his curiosity peaked. He imagined what she looked like: her features, her hair, her complexion. He was certain that she carried on the Shaw traits. For a second, he did consider what Lorraine said, Christopher was his son after all and he knew his ways made things difficult.

But he wouldn't ever want to admit it, Richard was much too prideful for that.

"I'm goin' to see my son and grandchild Rich. I just pray that one day a lesson will teach ya what's important in life and what ain't. Hard head folk like ya self have to learn the hard way."

Easing the bag from his grip, Lorraine's sandy red waves bounced as she walked by.

"Is she pretty?"

Just about to exit the door, she answered with a smile.




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