May 30, 1953

232 21 71


Ramona Jones, an upcoming junior Education student at Grambling College sashayed across the carpeted floor, swaying her hips to the tune fulfilling the background. A seductive smile covered her face, only in hope to deepen the sultry moment between her and the man of the hour.

The gentleman on the receiving end of the dance?

None other than recent Business graduate, Christopher Tracy.

Unfastening the last few buttons to expose his chest, Ramona straddled Christopher's lap while simultaneously unclasping her bra.

Instantly, Christopher's breath quickened and his heart rate increased. But it wasn't due to the trail of kisses that Ramona led from his neck to his lips. It was the overwhelming amount of guilt, scolding his conscious and tugging at his heart.

He just couldn't allow himself to do it.

Placing his hand against her left breast, Ramona sighed out as his grip failed, falling limp against the cushion.

Frustratedly groaning, she eased off of his lap, questioning him.

"What's ya problem Chris? Don't ya like me? We've been courtin' almost three months now and ya won't even touch me."

Never meeting her gaze, he remained silent.


"It's just, I've told ya before. I ain't ready. In fact, I think it's a bit too soon."

He lied, time and time when Ramona would take it there. She wasn't anything like any of the women he had with dealt before, especially Olivia.

Olivia, he missed her. Quite terribly he did. They hadn't spoken in five months, mostly because of him purposely not contacting her. But when he finally decided to do so, he never got through.

So after a poker match a few months prior, his loneliness led him right into the arms of Ramona, which was certainly unexpected.

Although she was nice and had plenty going for herself, Christopher knew deep down that she was only a distraction, or so he thought.

What seemed like a good idea eventually became ruined and backfired.

His plan never worked. Ramona wanted a serious relationship but he didn't.

What he wanted more than anything was Olivia, and he wasn't sure if he'd ever get her back.


Central High School graduate Olivia Perkins occupied herself by indulging in a cleaning spree. She swept and mopped the floors, dusted off everything, left the kitchen spotless, and even did everyone's laundry.

This had become her weekend routine since February, which had her folks thinking she'd gone crazy.

Truth was, cleaning kept her mind calm. With that and studying, she was able to no longer focus on the one person she didn't want to think of.

That person was Christopher of course.

After his decision to end their relationship, it took awhile for her to bounce back. Countless nights of no rest, Mildred became Olivia's security, comforting her until she was able to sleep.

For weeks after, she sat by the phone when she could, waiting for any sort of communication.

But all she got was nothing.

The Story of Olivia Tracy Where stories live. Discover now