November 22, 1952

252 23 36

Lauren's POV

On my bed I rested comfortably, legs dangling off the edge while flipping to the next entry.



The day has been rather eventful to say the least. Pastor Sutton and First Lady Clarice joined us for dinner, which I was nearly late to causing daddy to go on one of his famous scolding sessions right before. A small white lie got me out of the house and into the arms of Christopher, despite our parent's wishes.

The whole conversation throughout dinner was something strange. Pastor Sutton went on and on, preaching as if we were at service about all sorts of bad choices, which would make the biggest saint feel like a sinner. He also said how Mildred and I should be more involved in the church, which of course daddy was all for.

Just when I thought I was in for the evening, the tidying of my room was interrupted by a few taps against the window from Christopher, begging me to sneak out for Joe's birthday. I didn't know how any of it would be possible but trust him to come up with something crazy...


"Lauren! You ain't hear me? Girl you hard of hearing now? What you reading?"

My mother's voice laced with a hint of southern twang startled me as I quickly slammed Grandma Liv's journal down.

"I didn't, sorry ma. I was just reading over some old material from last year."

"Mm." Her mouth tightened. "Well, the candied yams and cornbread you wanted are ready. Just don't eat it all in one sitting."

"Thanks. You're the best ma."

"Mhm." She walked out, shutting the door behind her.

Close call it was, but the entry was getting way too good for me to put it away, so I did what anyone would do and delved right back in.


"Ya know sometimes I think ya wrecked ya brain or somethin'." Lawerence unpleasantly complained.
"It don't take that long to come from the library Olivia, I almost came down there to get ya."

Thanks to the Lord above he didn't because she surely wasn't there or nowhere in town. Two cities over, Olivia found herself hidden and locked away with Christopher once again, romancing her as he only could.

"Well I'm here now."

"It sho took ya long enough. Every since I made ya cut contact with that boy ya been round here with ya lip poked out. If that's what ya mad bout then ya best well get over it. Have some respect, we got company comin' and ya round here takin' ya sweet time."

Completely unfazed, Olivia questioned him. "Who?"

"Pastor Sutton and First Lady Clarice ya must forgot?"

She shrugged. "I must've."

Studying his daughter, Lawerence's head shook.

"Just gon on and help ya mother set the table. Folks gonna be here soon."


Downing his third serving of candied yams, Olivia and Mildred cringed as the metal fork scraped against Pastor Sutton's set of large teeth.

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