August 9, 1952

252 31 58


We meet again dear journal. The last few days have been interesting to say the least. I was quite angry at Mildred for starting up with me about Christopher, which led to daddy finding out, throwing a hissy, and tearing me apart for over an hour. But turns out things haven't gone as bad as I thought they would. So I guess I'm no longer mad. Daddy and Christopher have met, mama too. I'm sort of feeling kind of strange about the whole thing, I'm hoping that situation remains this way. But this day? I'll surely never forget it.


Olivia sighed heavily removing each pink sponge curler from her hair, one by one. Today was the day that her newfound love interest would come face to face with the man that dictated every aspect of young her life.

Lawerence Perkins, her father.

Nervous and unsatisfied with her hair's results, she slammed the rollers on top of the dresser and began to brush away the lopsided curls.

Mildred entered the room quietly and attentively watched as her younger sister snatched the brush through her tresses. Olivia's eyes caught her stare through the mirror.

"What?" She asked.

"Nothin' it's just if ya keep bein' so rough, ya won't have an ounce of hair left to comb."

"And? What ya care for anyway?" Olivia angrily spat. "Snitch."

"Ya better watch ya mouth or else!"

"Or else what? Her body quickly turned around. "This here is all ya fault ya know? Rattin' me out! Some sister ya are!"

Mildred's face twisted with all sorts of disgust towards Olivia's choice of words.

"What ya mad for huh?" She questioned. "Ain't this what ya wanted? The boy's comin' over to the house in awhile ain't he?"

If looks could kill Mildred would be dead thanks to the glare Olivia gave that tore straight through her.

"It ain't about that and ya know it. I should've been the one to tell daddy about my boyfriend without ya big mouth buttin' in! In my own time I would've done so, but no! Ya had to cause up a fuss." Olivia plopped down on her bed. "Now I don't know what daddy gon' say to him, or do! This ain't how I wanted them to meet."

With a sincere look, Mildred finally understood her sister's frustrations and the severity of what she had done. Sure, her goal was to protect Olivia but now she knew that having Lawerence involved took the situation to a different level. He wasn't a very pleasant person, often labeled as mean or surly.

"Livie I'm sorry." Mildred dropped to her knees. Taking Olivia's hand, she looked up to her. "Forgive me? I just don't know much about him and I don't want him to hurt ya."

"Millie why are ya so adamant about the idea of Christopher hurtin' me in some way? I don't think he's that type."

Mildred eased up and sat next to her. "None of em' are in the beginnin', but sometimes things can change. People change."

Olivia thought to herself about the statement as silence fell between the two.

"What ya gettin' at?"

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