August 31, 1952

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Author's Note: So I'm finally, finally updating this. I'm completely pissed with myself because this story has been put on the back burner and it has potential to be good. So for the few individuals that have taken interest in this one, I do apologize for the wait and I appreciate your support. Hopefully you haven't forgotten about it. 💜


Summer has come to an end and my senior year is upon me. As much as I am excited to start my last year of high school, I am saddened that my days of relaxation and freedom are done.

I must say that I have enjoyed myself, the last two months have been good to me. I have grown as a young woman, learned to drive, and met someone so kind, unexpectedly of course.

I have no idea how this summer would've gone if I hadn't met Christopher, boring perhaps. But I'm sure glad that I did, he's quite special to me and he treats me so well.

After being inseparable all weekend, we had to say our goodbyes and part ways since his classes begin soon.

Today was lovely, in all thanks to him. But leaving was rather awful. I'm sure going to miss him..

Who knew that saying bye would be so hard?


"It's sho hot out here, if I ain't know any better I'd think my skin was meltin' off!"

Louise complained in regards to the scorching heat and suffocating humidity as she, Lawerence, and the girls traveled down the road in his truck.

A muggy Sunday it was while the family headed home after service. A good hearty home cooked meal was on schedule, but Miss Olivia Perkins had other plans in mind.

Finally settling and changing out of their Sunday's best, they all met at the dinner table as Louise started the warming process.

"No." Olivia stopped her sister from placing a plate at her seat. "I won't be eating dinner this afternoon."

Lawrence turned around quickly to address her. "And why is that?"

"Me and Christopher are going out. He wants to treat me and hang out one last time before he leaves tomorrow."

Louise cleared her throat but remained silent.

"Y'all have been together all summer, and all weekend too." Lawrence stated. "He ain't ever kept ya away on a Sunday. Sunday's are reserved for the Lord and ya family. Don't ya know that?"

"I do! But-"

"There ain't no buts Olivia! And for one did ya ask? Or did ya just tell us? I ain't got no problem with the boy but if he's taking ya away from ya family that's an issue."

Mildred butted in which took Olivia by surprise.

"Daddy, I know ya ain't ask me but I think ya should let her go. School's gettin' ready to start up and they ain't gon see each other for awhile. Besides, it's just one day."

A wink towards her sister returned her a smile.

Hesitantly, Lawerence gave in. "Alright Olivia, just this one time on a Sunday and that's it. What time's the boy comin'?"

"He told me a little after 4." On her tip toes she lifted, planting a kiss to her father's cheek. "Thank ya daddy."

And off to prepare she went.

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