March 10, 1954

159 18 99

Author's Note : Please excuse any typos or grammatical errors!


My darling baby arrived tonight, and Lord was I surprised. Although it's a bit early, I believe she was right on time.

Caroline Christine, 6 pounds 7 ounces


"A piano player, ain't that one hell of a gig?"

Putting his cigarette out, Lawrence continued to grumble on about the occupation Christopher chose for the last few months.

"Just ain't ideal."

"Well," Louise sighed, snatching the clothes from the line. "May not be ideal to ya, but it's a job and he's providin'. Least he's found somethin' he's good at."

Lawrence's brows furrowed in disbelief.

"Just whose side ya on?"

"Ain't bout takin' no sides Law. What's done is done. Livie's havin' her baby next month whether we like it or not. God don't make no mistakes."

"Yeah well God don't but she sho did. I mean just look at what's all happened. She's no longer takin' classes."

"She's goin' back."

"Then she's left home."

"She's not even that far off. Besides, ya can't lie and say the girl was ever gon get any peace here. Ever chance ya got ya made it hard for that boy every time he wanted to come over."

"And I didn't have the right?" Lawrence questioned. "Just cause they havin' a child don't change the fact that I don't like em'. Ya ain't the least bit concerned bout her well bein'. How we know if she's even takin' care of and eatin' enough?"

Frustrated, Louise had enough of her husband's outlandish and downright selfish antics. Flip flopping by the days, the man had behaved like a rotten child throughout Olivia's pregnancy, stressing her right out of the doors of their home.

"I've said it before but I guess I'll say it again, maybe it'll get into that brick of a head ya have. Ya ain't concerned bout nobody but ya self and that I don't understand. Where are ya morals? Don't ya feel bad for anything ya done? Law we are all she's got! All they got! That boy's father has completely cut all ties with him and they have gone through enough. He has chosen to lose his child, and ya might do the same but I'll be damned if I do so!" she yelled.
"I refuse to make things harder, only to lose my daughter in the process!"

Folding the remaining pieces of clothing, Louise tossed them aside into the basket.

"Now please make ya self useful and bring the clothes inside."


"C'mon little girl, wake up for ya daddy."

Head resting right above Olivia's belly, Christopher tried everything to wake their resting bundle of joy.

But mama wasn't having it.

"Get on boy!" Olivia scolded. "Let the child sleep and maybe then I could get some real sleep too!"

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