✒Prologue ❤

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It's finally the end of school year break! You know what that means!


Two more hours to go and I can finally get out of school and go on a relaxing Holiday with my precious family.

I can't sit still in the class and I'm pretty sure that everyone is feeling the same way. We all get excited for the long school break.

My best friends, Momoko and Miyako have been talking about it since last week. They planned on what to do. Well, obviously, you know them... All those shopping and stuff.

I stare at the clock which is located on the classroom wall. It seems to be going so slow every second.


Finally, after the long lecture in class, we're finally freeeeeee!!!!! The school bell rings loudly as the students cheer for joy.

"Have a nice Holiday, everyone" Ms Knene waves at us.

"We will!!!" I yell back.

I jog happily towards the school gate when...

*beep beep beep*

Oh shit

Great...just great....

Don't those monsters take a break?!! Ugh... Damn. I'm gonna crush that villain into pieces for ruining my thrilling moment.

The girls and I glance at each other and nod. We run to a dark alley and transform.

'Hyper Blossom!'

'Powered Buttercup!'

'Rolling Bubbles!'


We fly to the direction where the trouble occurs.

"Who is it this time?" Bubbles asks.

"Girls, I think it's HIM" Blossom points at the stupid clown who's laughing like a maniac.

"I've been expecting... The Powerpuff girls" Him says.

"You bastard...you'll pay for wasting my time!" I shout and march to the red joker.

"Buttercup wait! We need a plan!" I hear Blossom yells to me.

"Who cares?! I'll beat the living hell outta him!" I don't pay attention to the leader and continue swinging my hammer at our enemy. He dodges pretty fast.

"Buttercup, you know it's not easy to- watch out! Behind you!"

"Huh?" I turn and see another 'him' behind me.

Wait...There's two of them, no, there's lots of them! They're attacking simultaneously at us. What trick does he use this time?!

"We have to find the real one!" Blossom tells us.

"Th-they're strong! I...I can't...Arghhhh!!!" Bubbles falls and I quickly catch her before she reaches the ground.

"Thanks" She says.

There's too many of them. How can we win this time? We have to come up with something.

I feel like I've been lifted up by a pair of claws. I try to resist and kick him hard on the face.

But the other three or four of them surround me. All of them have dark auras around them. Everything blacks out after that.


Quitting this book isn't a good decision :) seriously

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