🎤Author Interview 2

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To finish the questions I got from you guys I'm making another part of Author's interview UwU

I've got some questions from yadirachan @Hello_Doggie and @1478860ani

Here goes...

1. If you were to have an anime crush, who would it be?

Haha... I watch a lot of anime >< and I have many anime crushes as well. Ugh... I have a crush on Butch :// is that ok? 😂

Welp, Prince Zen from snowhite with the red hair :3, Kirito, Bakugou, Shouto, Denki, 🤣 ...etc

2. How do you feel about finishing this book?

I feel kind of empty, to be honest 😂 It's like I don't have the slightest idea of what to do. TwT I'm also sad that it ended but I can't go any further.

3. Are you satisfied with this book?

Yes, indeed. VERY SATISFIED I shall say... honestly at the beginning, I wasn't expecting this much reads and votes and very nice comments from you readers... I'm truly touched ^^ thanks guys. I appreciate it so much.

4. Is there gonna be a sequel?

:v sorry fam. It ain't happening. I don't have intentions to continue ._. Sorry

5. Is there gonna be a bonus chapter or this is it?

The bonus chapter was already published... :3 and that's it. No more stuff to give y'all TwT


The is the end... 💗😐 Bye humans. It was nice meeting you all.... I'm going back to my planet lmao.. Wish you the best of luck..! 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻

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