✒Ancient Stone Cave ❤

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I feel strange. I wonder what happened. The memories are slowly returning back to my head. A flashback of what happened earlier appeared.

"Where... Where am I?" I slowly open my green orbs adjusting my surroundings. The place is not familiar at all... Have I been here before?

Usually, after I passed out in battle, I'd find myself sleeping on a comfortable bed in the lab. But... This place... I don't feel nice being here.

I get up to my knees and look around. It looks like well, covers in stones. Probably a cave or something. But what am I doing here? Who brought me here?

I still have a little pain from headache since I fainted. I remember... There were lots of him attacking us.

Hold on, where are Blossom and Bubbles?

I turn my head site to site but there's no sign of any of them. It's like I'm just here, alone by myself. That's... Confusing.

I start to roam around the cave looking for an exit but I can't find it. There are some holes on top but I don't think I can go through them. They're just enough to let the sunlight in and some air to breathe.

From there, I could see the orange sky. Seems like the sun is setting down.

Wait, I have an idea! Maybe I can use my hammer to break these stone cave!

Yeah, crazy idea but I have to try. I need to go on a trip with my family!

I pick up my hammer and hit the stones. But it's still there, unharmed. I give it another try but the stone stands still. I try again and again harder by each hit. Unfortunately, it's no use at all.

I examine the stones carefully... They're at least 1000 years old. I'm in an ancient stone cave!


Shitty? Trust me it'll get a lot better :3

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