✒His Warmth ❤

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Read slowly for better experience ;)

The ninja dude hadn't returned since he left me yesterday. I feel so bored... I wish I could spend time with my family right now. If the stupid clown didn't attack, none of this would have happened. Curse you, Him.

Is that guy going to come back or what? Is he really going to leave me alone until I starve to death?

Well, whatever. I stand up and look around see if there's any escape route. The cave is quite huge.

As I walk around, I spot a certain black suit asleep leaning his head against the stone wall. He's here the whole time?! Sleeping?!

I sneak quietly and lean closer to him. He does look familiar... Damn, I'm curious!

My hand finds its way up close to his mask... It feels like those times I tried sneaking up on dad.

Before I can even touch him, his dark forest green eyes shoot open like a hawk. His strong hands grab mine.


"Don't try that, it won't work" He says calmly despite the fact that my wrist is about to break cause of his tight grip.

"Ow, ow, ow, let...go!"

"Say sorry"

"S-sorry... You... Stinky breath"

Lol there I said it. Am I seriously pushing myself into hellhole?!

"What was that?"

"Boy, you deaf? You probably need an ear check... Ekkk!!"

"Looking for trouble, are we, hmm?"
He pins me down to the hard ground and holds my arms above my head. He ties my wrist tightly.

"What are you doing?! Get off me!!!"

"Naughty girls like you should be punished~" He purrs.

"Whaa?!? Heck no!"

"Say, how would you like me to punish you?" His deep husky voice echoes through my ears.

"Get off me you jerk!"

"Not until you choose your punishment, Butters"

"Hmph! Fine! Pinch my nose!"

"Just a pinch? No fun... It's not really a 'suitable' punishment for you"

"But you said if I just choose-"

"Alright, alright, a pinch" He raises his hand up to my face. His thumb and index finger pinch my noes hard, I can feel it going red.

"Can't you be gentle?!" I shout. He chuckles lightly as he gets off me and frees my wrist.

"Aww, was that too hard? Don't worry, next time, it won't just be your nose that I'm pinching~"

°Ninja° {A Butchercup Fanfic}Where stories live. Discover now