✒The Ninja ❤

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What am I supposed to do now?

I look around trying to figure out another way to get out.

"Oh, you're awake already" Someone says.

Huh? I turn around but there is no one there.

"Did I just imagine things?"

I ignore it and continue searching for some clues. Then, I feel a tap on my shoulder.

A figure appears behind my back. I guess he's just my age or so but he's taller. He has black Raven hair just like mine, dark forest green orbs that seem to be glowing beautifully.

"W-Who are you?"

He somehow looks like a ninja with a mask covering the half bottom part of his face.

"Hey, who are you?" I ask again.

"You'll be safe here" He says, completely ignoring my question.

But that voice... I think I've heard it somewhere before...

"For the third time, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!" I shout.

"I'll keep you here, until the situation gets better" He continues.

"What are you talking about?!"

"Don't worry, you'll be safe here"

This guy... He's pissing me off!

"What's with this nonsense?!" I grit my teeth.

I sense something familiar about him... Something tells me that I've met him before, but where and when?

"I cannot let you leave, the villains are after you and your friends. I need you to be here and stay safe" He says.

"What? I don't get it?! What on earth are you talking about!? We're heroes! It's our duty to beat up the bad guys!"

"No Buttercup, it's different this time. They've gotten much more stronger. There are chances that you'll risk your own life"

"I don't wanna hide from villains! That's absolutely absurd! You think I'm just going to stay here and not help my friends?! No way in hell I'll leave my friends behind! If we die, then we'll do it together!"

"Why can't you just understand?! I want you to be safe!" He raises his voice a little bit.

"But what about my friends? And who do you think you are to look after me!? I can protect myself, thank you very much! Now let me out of here!"

"I will not allow that" He says sternly.

"That's it, you're so going to get it!" I lift up my hammer and swing at him. But he dissapears into smoke puff...

He appears at the corner of the cave puff... Behind me puff...

Everytime I try to hit him, he dissapears into thin air. How skilled.
I can't attack him like this, I'll just waste my energy.

He really is a ninja... I thought ninjas only exsited in Sengoku era or whatever, I've never paid attention in history classes...

"Hey quit that! Fight properly!" I demand.

"Sure" He appears in front of me "You're on"

I tried to punch him but he dodges so quick. He hasn't fight back yet but look at me! I'm sweaty!

This guy... Who is he exactly?!

I breathe heavily trying to focus and gather my energy.

"Are you tired? My turn then" Even behind the mask, I could tell he's smirking like crazy.

Even without attacking, he can make me feel exhausted, so his attacks... They must be super skilled! How am I suppose to win?

He takes a few steps back and starts throwing Shurikens at me one by one. I block them with my hammer. After a while he starts to throw faster. What's more, the freaking Shurikens don't fall to the floor when I hit them, they're still floating around me. Soon, I'm surrounded by ten floating Shurikens.



"I'll tell you something... That's only a little bit of the power I'm capable of" He says.


"Stay here Buttercup, can't you see I'm worthy of protecting you?"

"Shut up! You're not my bodyguard or anything! We're strangers! Why would you want to protect me?!"

"..." He's speechless of all sudden.


"Better be unsaid. Now, decide would you rather die here or stay?"

"Tch... What's the point of keeping me safe if you intend to kill me?!"

"I don't intend to if you be obedient"

I feel it... I feel something familiar about him. Who is he???

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Stick to what you've started~ you won't regret it :)))

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