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"Burned?" Lucas' eyes blinked

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"Burned?" Lucas' eyes blinked.

He asked me if it was my parents' house.

He knows about the fire.

He knows their names.

Lucas knows my parents.

Why would Lucas know my parents' names? Of course. My parents are well-known people working at the government so perhaps Lucas knew about them. I mean, look at the way he dresses. His parents and mine might be connected; his father must be the president or something. It was all just a guess anyway. But I still wonder why he showed more interest in it than I thought he would.

"So you're their daughter?" he asked me, green eyes gleaming in curiosity.

I nod and say, "Yes"

"I thought she- that you- didn't survive. That's what I heard."

"That's what the government tells you."

"Figures," he said.

For a moment, Lucas grew more silent than usual. But that was only for a few seconds.

He returned his gaze to me. Then snapped his fingers.

"Destination?" he raises both of his eyebrows, waiting for my response.


"Train station?", he asked me. "You have plans to go to the train station, don't you?"

"Well, I guess so . . ."

"That's dope! Let's go there, Nina. Just you and I," he said it like a kid excited for their fieldtrip.

"Don't you have anywhere else to go?"

"Na-ah. Where you go, I go." he winked again. "Haven't I said that already?"

"Well, you did, but-"

"Awesome. Don't make me repeat it again." he suddenly reaches for my hand then grabs it, entertwining it with his own. I wince. His skin burns to mine. I can feel everything there is to be alive. He's all blood, veins, muscle, and pulse. Lucas is the very definition of alive while here I am, dead cold against his touch.

He doesn't seem to mind that. If he did, he never showed signs of it.

Lucas smiles.

For some stupid girly reason, I smile back.

Hopefully I don't look like a dreamy, rainbow-eyed girl who's looking miserably at a boy that she finds cute.

Wait, Lucas is cute.

Oh, Jeena, stop it.

"Do you know the way to the train station?" he asks me.

"Which one?"

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