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Looking back at the photographs, my biggest observation was that Jeena likes taking pictures of me without my awareness. A lot.

I suddenly noticed that on our last hours together, she started calling me Yukhei. On her letter, she wrote Yukhei too. And now, without noticing, I am also calling her Jeena.

This is how it is anyways. Nina and Lucas are a false. They're just "escapes" from this wicked universe. They are a fiction. And they are already erased. Diminished.

Not only did Jeena enjoy taking pictures, but she took a lot of videos too. When I played them, a chuckle immediately escaped my lips.

From this point of view, it felt like I can see what she sees. And everything- just everything- is simply worth it.


Upon looking at the videos, there was this one that etched mostly inside my brain.

According to the date, it was when we thought that her brother, Jaemin, died. I think she filmed it in his room, judging by the wooden floor and tainted ceilings in her background.

She made a wish. A dying wish.

And I swear I'm going to fulfill that for her.

Hair combed and polos buttoned, I went to the headquarter's lobby. Some of my fellow bosses were there, but they looked as if they were shocked to see me go outside my room. So I decided to do the greetings first, to clear their hesitations.

"Good morning, everyone," I managed to smile.

"Morning," they replied in unison, unable to move in their seats.

I scanned their faces at first, chuckled at the results, until my eyes fell down to the table.

"What are those?" I asked using my usual cheery voice tone, as if implying to them that I am okay and they can treat me no differently.

"Ah. Right," Sicheng was the one who reacted. "Arrangements, regarding where to pass your ownerships."

"Mine?" I asked, stepping forward towards them.

"And Jeena's," Doyoung added. "I mean, what's yours is hers. Hers is also yours. We can choose from your relatives, but..."

"But we're not sure who to, ummm, pick," Sicheng said. "As far as we know, her mother is the only relative alive."

"Well, should it really be blood-related?" I asked and said, "Give everything to her brothers."

"Are you sure?" Mark asked, his eyes wide.

I nodded. "Yes, I am sure."

"Wow," he replied, astonished. "Alright. Alright."

"So whose name are we going to write?" Jaehyun asked.

"Their eldest should hold the ownership rights," Doyoung said.

Mark immediately took the pen in his own hands. "Okay let me fill this thing up," he slided the paper to his direction. "Hu-ang-ren-jun," he mumbled while writing down the letters. "Man, you lucky piece of-"

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