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An intoxicating scent saturated in the air as soon as I stepped inside the place they call their headquarters

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An intoxicating scent saturated in the air as soon as I stepped inside the place they call their headquarters.

Gunpowders. Cannabis. Charcoal.

These scents are mixed up, which left me in a drowsy feeling. Lucas is right when he said I was fragile, because I am.

What's worse is Taeyong removing his hood once and for all, slinging his dark jacket on his left shoulder.

That's when I decided, that I hate his hair.

Maybe I hate them even more than Lucas' green eyes.

Jaehyun, another person with great influence, ordered Lucas to lead me to the interrogation room.

He did.

I didn't say a word. All that I thought of in my mind are the Orphans. Donghyuck, Renjun, Jaemin, Jeno, Chenle and Jisung. My precious boys . . .

Lucas and I entered a room. Now that it's only just the two of us, with no prying eyes outside, I somehow feel at ease.

"You still didn't tell me why you guys kidnapped me," I tell him. My words echo in an audible hum, spreading throughout the four corners of the dark room.

A light wolfish smirk tugs on Lucas' lips upwards. "They won't hurt you, Nina,"

"They already did," I say, but did not admit that I was referring to Taeyong's red hair.

Lucas raised one of his eyebrows. "I think I might apologize for that one. Whatever hurt you,"

Then we heard a shuffling sound, followed by a series of footsteps.

Taeyong's face appeared in the hallway, accompanied by the rest of the bosses. His huge, dark eyes were steady on us. "Make her sit down, Lucas,"

"Don't be too harsh on her, Taeyong," Lucas reminded him, before pulling a metal chair for me to sit on.

He drops his gaze, 'Sit' it says to me.

I released a puff of air from my lips, sweat gleaming on my forehead before I sit at the chair that Lucas had offered.

There was only one source of light in this room. The light blinks out simultaneously, like a candle between my thumb and forefinger as I said goodnight to the Orphans.

In front of me, I watch as Taeyong makes his way to the opposite desk facing me. He sits. On his left side sat Jaehyun. The others stand behind them aside from Lucas, whose presence I can feel directly behind me.

He has my back. I don't give a damn if he's there to make sure I'm safe, or if he's there to make sure I don't escape.

That hardly even matters anymore, for Taeyong caught my eyes. I try hard not to wince at the sight of his red hair; I don't want them to suspect that I'm infected by the VS. If they find out, who knows what they'll to me. They'll probably run some crazy test experiments on me, hand me over to the government, or kill me with their bare hands.

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