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Feet cold, hands shivering

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Feet cold, hands shivering. Still, I kept the vial shielded around my hand. I stared at the road ahead of me, waiting for any sign of a truck's arrival.

My eyes squint when I saw the headlights of a car, slowly approaching its way to my direction.

I blinked, preparing myself for what's to come.

The car parked in front of me. In a flash, the roar and headlights of the engine disappeared. The door to the driver's seat opened, revealing Taeyong standing in all his might. The second I saw him, he's covering his hair in his hood to conceal his red hair from my sight. I don't know if he's just being considerate or if he just wanted to remind me that he knows my secret.

Eyes narrowed to me, he said "Did you bring it?"

A nod. "Where is he?" I asked, voice shaking.

He pivoted away from me, sliding the second door opened.  "Lucas," he called to the man inside.

"Fuck, Taeyong. Why did you bring her here?" eventhough I'm standing outside the truck, I can still hear his deep voice echoing from inside.

"She got the cure," he replied.

"Doesn't matter. Tell her to go away, she's seen enough." Lucas beamed.

Taeyong ran a hand to the nape of his neck "Jeena," he called me "Come"

I stepped closer to him. "Is Lucas okay?"

"I wrapped his wound and stopped the bleeding. But he still needs the cure." he answered.

Slowly, Taeyong gestured for me to enter. When I did, I saw Lucas sitting on the seat near the window. He's looking at me with half-lidded eyes, his irises producing its possible palest shade of color. His long fingers were clenching the side of his neck and I tried my best to remain my composure when I saw drops of red blood decorating his skin.

"Lucas," I told him, gulping "Let me help you."

He's breathing hard, the moonlight pouring on his neck making him look like a messful art. He looks at me, "Nina," he called "Why? Why do you need to appear now? I don't want you to see me in this state again." he breathed and looked at the scarlet liquid pouring down his neck "I am torturing you."

"Just close your eyes, Lucas," I told him. "You'll be alright."

"No," he gulped. "Leave," then he looked at Taeyong. "You did this because you knew she was dying, didn't you? You did this to make fun of her!"

Taeyong simply stared, his expression as stoic as stone "Quite the opposite, actually. You're the one who's making fun of her, Lucas" he tilted his head "This?" he points at his hair "This cruel, disturbing red? It is nothing compared to the cage of secrets you keep from her. Spill it now, Dirtyhands," he said "Or do you want me to do it for you instead, hm?"

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