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I have a memory

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I have a memory.

At least I think it's my mine, because if it would've been a stranger's then it's impossible for those pictures to appear in my brain.

First of all, I see a flash of light gleaming inside a dark, horrible room. Flasks were emptily sitting on a desk. A breathing tank was making sounds BEEP, BEEP in the middle of the room. Sitting beside the device, someone's curled like a ball.

It's a boy. A little, fragile-looking boy.
His hair was as dark as midnight sky, skin as pale as the moon, and his eyes. Oh, his eyes looked at the tiny thing he was holding, whatever that is, in fascination. I must've made a sound because the mysterious boy looked from that tiny thing up to my face.

"Hey," he said.

And I thought Wow, what a pretty face.

"You have a new scar on your face," he would say, looking at the ugly mark left on my right side cheek.

My eyes focused on the little thing he was holding. It looks like a lighter.

Without saying a word, I sit beside him.

"Did your mother did that thing to you again?" he would ask.

I nod.

"Did it hurt?"

I nod again.

"Father did too," he would say "But before he could run that sick thing on my skin, I ran away to go here and see you."

"Whose turn is it now, Yong?" I asked him.

"Yukhei, I think," he blinked, twirling the lighter around his fingers. "I doubt that brat would run away. You know he can't defy his parents no matter how shitty they treat him."

"Because he knows he can't run away from it. It's the truth anyway. This is our fate, Yong."

Little dark-haired boy would chuckle. "The fate can be altered, Jeena. Your parents and ours? When I grow up, I will become someone that they'll fear. They can rot in hell. Their creations. Their experiments. All of this," he spreads his arms. "All of this should burn."

And I thought Yes but instead, I said No.

"No? Are you kidding, Jeena?" he asked, gripping the lighter inside his fist.

I waved my head.

"We are just children, Yong. Powerless, weak, horrified children. Without our parents, we are nothing but starving humans."

"Without our parents, we could be the person that we want to be, Jeena. Our parents-" he mumbled "They are the ones who'll starve. By then, they will crawl to our door and get on their knees to beg. Can you imagine the fear in their eyes? Their desperation? Their hatred towards us, mirroring our very own to them? Can't you-" he blinked, hands shaking "Can't you picture it? The power we could take from them if," he paused "If they are gone. . . ?"

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