
16.6K 1.4K 1.9K

* - flashback
** - present

Slightly mature content. :o




When Jeena closed her eyes, I immediately knew they won't open anymore.

She is gone.

My heart burned and ached and twisted into uttermost torture. It's a silly and ridiculous thing - when just a few seconds ago she was still alive, talking and breathing, with me. But now, the girl on my lap didn't flinch, or move, or talk. She lost her only beating heart.

She left me.

I should've cried, that's the most common reaction. But instead, I just stared at her. Just literally stared at her perfect, beautiful face.

She's not dead.
She's just away.

That point of view may be delusional and silly- but it's the only thing that's keeping me sane.

She's not dead.
Jeena is not dead.
She is just away.

When the door to her room flew open, I didn't cry.

When our friends came rushing to the bed to check her, I didn't cry.

When her brothers pulled her lifeless body toward them, I didn't cry.

When I stood up and laid my back on the wall, I didn't cry.

When everyone else started sobbing, I didn't cry.

I looked upwards at the ceiling instead. Pursed my lips together. Forced the tears to be kept in my eyelids. Forced them not to spill down.

I should be distracted. And my only distraction, I think, is to stare at a faraway place.

So I stared at the window. But I immediately regretted what I saw.

A tear fell down.


"Mr. Wong Yukhei?"

Heart pounding, I stood up from my seat. The papers that the examinist held seemed like they were tickets to hell.

"Yukhei. That's me," I swallowed heavily, urging myself to get ready of the results.

The man with the labgown fixed his glasses on the bridge of his nose, eyeing me with serene eyes.

"Here are your results," he handed me the white paper. "You're too late for a diagnosis. Late symptons?"

"Ah, no, um, sir, I mean doctor," I teetered. "H-How is it?"

"Active," he said.

"Active," I repeated. Eventhough I expected it, I am still dumbfounded.

"As I already said, your diagnosis is quite late."

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