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The only thing that matters to me now is to chase Jaemin and Donghyuck.

I will chase them and tell them,
   that everything is fine,
   that I am safe,
   that I am going to come back home
   that they need to wait a little longer.

I don't want to meet them like this. Not when Lucas and the rest are here and they'll just take me away. It will pain the Orphans more.

But this.

This pain that I feel at the sight of them desperately looking for me,
searching for me, and shouting my name is driving me crazy.

I can't go back yet. I can't.

I need to stay with my captors so I can learn the truth behind the fire. I need to know more about my parents.

But I am not a coldhearted bastard. The mere sight of seeing Jaemin and Donghyuck getting abused by the security is too much for me.

But I can't let all of them see me. Not yet.

Maybe I can if I can explain properly. Maybe I can if they will listen to me properly. I just need to inform one of them that I am safe and that they should stop looking for me. Definitely not Jisung or Chenle, they're still too young. Jeno and Renjun are very soft, they'll just breakdown into pieces before I can even explain myself. Donghyuck is clearly the worst choice; he'll let his feelings take over his actions. I doubt he'd even listen to a word I say and then forcefully drag me back to the orphanage.

But Jaemin.

Jaemin can.

He will listen to me. Then he can explain to the rest what's going on.

Panting hard, I walked away in a hurry. My breath is shallow. My mind is blank. My only goal is to chase after them so that I would be able to -

"Nina," Lucas' grip on my wrist is like a torch of fire set on my skin. "Nina, where are you going?"

"I am going to talk to them, Lucas. They're my family. They must at least know where I am."

"Who?" he frowns "Them? Those boys just now?"

"Yes. Please let me, Lucas."

"No," he said sternly. "I already told you, Nina. We can't release you yet. You are not going anywhere."

"But I just need to talk to them, Lucas, I-I'll promise I'll be back. Please, just a few minutes---"

"I can't, Nina. Don't you fucking get it?!"

"But, Lucas, listen to me--"

he's not
listening to me

"Mark. Jungwoo. Sicheng. We're going home. Now. Prepare the car." he orders the others. "Nina and I'll follow." he adds, looking at me.

Without saying a word, the three of them immediately obeyed Lucas' command. They drift away, leaving the two of us alone.

When they were finally out of sight, Lucas looked at me again.



"Nina, for the love of god, can't you wait a little longer?! I swear we'll release you once the problem is clear and you can crawl back to those boys--"

"But I do not have much time, Lucas!" I screeched,my voice desperate. "I need to go see them now or I won't be able to see them forever!"

"Oh god," he raised an eyebrow. "Do you even know how to to stay patient? You can see them next time and be with them with your entire life! Just wait for several fucking days!"

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