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I keep on replaying on my head that I agreed to stay with Lucas in one room so that I can convince him to get me back to the orphanage, not because I want to know him more

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I keep on replaying on my head that I agreed to stay with Lucas in one room so that I can convince him to get me back to the orphanage, not because I want to know him more.

When Doyoung and I arrived at the elevator, Mark was already there.

"Goodness gracious. Thank god you little shit could finally be of use," Doyoung sighs as he made this sentiment.

"Of use of what?" Mark asks, eyes wide open. I smile because he didn't retaliate when Doyoung addressed him as 'little shit'.

"Take Jeena to Lucas' room," Doyoung orders, nudging my arms towards Mark.

"L-Lucas...." Mark blinks rapidly. He waves his head. "Are you insane? He doesn't allow us shitheads to enter his bloody room. You know that,"

"I said 'take' her not 'go' with her, dumbass." Doyoung sighs. "Now be a useful shit and do Jeena a favor, okay? Don't get her lost."

Mark purses his lips together. "Fine." he looks at me. "As long as it's just her who will go inside his room because I ain't going in there."

"Why are you so afraid of Lucas?" I ask Mark.

He looks down at me. I'm shorter than him. "I'm not afraid of Lucas. I respect him. He made it clear that he wants his room to be isolated from the outside world. He describes it as his 'private world' with all utopia shits. I don't fucking know what he's at, but that's what he says."

"Complicated thoughts of a complicated bastard," Doyoung states. Mark nods.

My lips formed a slight 'o'.

Lucas is such a complex human being. From his outer looks deep to his inner soul, everything is complex. A series of thread tangled to each other. That's fine. He reminds me of myself. I also want to cage my own in somewhere private and isolate myself from the outside world sometimes.

A few moments later Doyoung finally said his farewell, leaving me and Mark alone.

Right when I thought Mark is going to get awkward with me, he's not.

"Right this way, Jeena." he said with a friendly voice.

Mark's face looks so youthful. He reminds me of the Orphans.

When the elevator doors closed, Mark pressed the number 7. Once we arrived at the seventh floor, he guides me along series of hallways. We went sideways a lot, left and right, that I began to lose my track. I know that their headquarters is huge, but I didn't know it was 'that' huge.

"The location of Lucas' room, when you put it in a bookish way, is like Rapunzel's tower. It is far and far away from civilization. I'm starting to think Lucas wants to be Rapunzel."

I laugh. Mark laughs back.

"Maybe he's hiding his hair somewhere," he says. "Will you please tell me what his room looks like once you enter?"

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