My Persuasive Essay

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Do you want to be a lazy, mindless, useless zombie when you grow up? Or instead young, successful, determined individual, paving the road to the future. It is simple. You can achieve all that success and glory by doing one simple thing, waking up early. Waking up earlier leads to a better life as it gives you; more time, better productivity and the feeling of less school. Want me to prove this? Of course, I will.

A study conducted by the Texas University found that students who consistently woke up early each day actually scored better test scores and grades compared to those who slept in. How you may ask was this possible? It is because they had more time. When you wake up early you're more likely to take part in a routine and . Seems logical enough, because the earlier you start your day, the more time you have. This just goes to show: you don't find time, you make it. You may ask, how will this lead to me being more productive? I will show you.

Imagine if you had 1 more extra hour in your day. What would you do? Increase that number and imagine the endless possibilities you could do with that free time. A study conducted by a biologist from Harvard shows that there are less distractions in the early morning so you can do more, without being distracted. In the morning, after a good nights' sleep, you are fully charged and ready to learn and work hard. In the beginning, it will be hard. After you get used to it and it becomes routine, you will have more energy. Think about all the work you could get done if there was that little bit of buzz inside of you, wanting to do more.

Simply waking up earlier, could change your whole mindset. School will seem shorter since you are being more productive and actually getting things done. You will have less homework to weight down on your shoulders. And you can actually have fun when you have free time. There will be time for more activities, since there is less homework and it will not always be lurking at the back of your head, casting dark shadows on your fun. This will, in turn, give you a more positive and optimistic approach to your day-to-day life. This will snowball into you being happier and joyful, to the ups and downs of the adventure we call life.

This is why I believe we should all be waking up earlier. I want to have more time, be productive and be more positive and I believe that waking up earlier will help me achieve these goals. I thoroughly believe the old saying "Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" and you should too. So let us make it a conscious decision to set your alarm 15 minutes earlier and let us see how it goes.

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