The Monster

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Ew. Just look at it. It is disgusting. Hideous. Like a swamp creature that rose from the depths of a deep lagoon in the night and snuck into your kitchen. It just lies in wait, on the dish, just waiting to attack.

All covered in sauce and red. It looks like worms. Just millions and millions of parasitic leeches on a plate. I can imagine it moving and squirming around. If everyone is so afraid of squiggly, long things; I wonder why they eat this garbage.

It smells disgusting. I could sense it was in the house from upstairs. One deep whiff and I feel my stomach turning and my head throbbing. I feel like I am going to puke. It is terrible. An odor that cannot be rid of easily. It marks its territory. One that takes weeks just to diminish in the slightest bit. One that travels everywhere and seeps into everyone and everything. Bathing us in a stench that even a hundred showers cannot clean. It is overwhelming. Like an angry tyrant ruling its people. We are the mere peasants who must subject to it, bowing kowtow. We are voiceless slaves under its powerful control. It sucks us in with its potent stench and we fall into its deep, dark hole. We are utterly under its control. Powerlessly made to surrender and serve.

Just standing near it makes me nauseous. Having it close to me makes my head spin. Going near it makes me feel like death is a better option than having to look at it. It is the bane of my existence.

It makes me question the sanity of all those who consider it delicious and claim it is their comfort. I mean, how? It is disgusting. Absolutely filthy. It is atrocious. If I could do anything about it, I would. I would ban it. Scratch that. I would not even let it be invented in the first place. Who could ever consider it beautiful?

The worst thing is; my mom makes it every Saturday.

I hate spaghetti.

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