Summer Happenings

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A Totally Fake and Made-Up Story

I am just a plain ordinary girl. Nothing special at all. It is so sad. I am the average ordinary type of person that has had no adventures at all, in their whole life. I am so boring. The only trip I went on in the summer was to the grocery store. Aw well. I guess I have to talk about the one and only time something actually happened to me. It was at the grocery store, the time I almost got kidnapped.

The Day of the Napping

On that fateful day, I was napping. I was in such a long and peaceful slumber, from which I was rudely awoken by my mother.

"Do you want to go to the grocery store with me?"


"You have not come out of the house for the whole day."

"I don't want to!"

However, I had to. In the end, I went. My theory; every mom has some sort of mom power. She used her mom power on me and forced me to accompany her. I had no choice.

As I trailed behind my mom, like a lost puppy following its master, I realized someone was following me. Like the dumb person I am, I told my mom I needed to use the bathroom.

I craved danger, excitement, and mystery. I knew I needed to solve this problem so I would, at least, be able to tell the children at school that something interesting happened to me. I got way more than I bargained for.

But in the end, after the amazing fight scene in the washroom(which does not need to be told to peasants), I survived. I mean, really, that's all that matters. Plus, I had an epic story to tell when I got back to school

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