Media Project

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All about Media The Ins and Outs of the Digital World Exploring the Online World The Digital Age Are You a Digital Zombie? The Pros and Cons of Social Media All about the Digital Age


What is digital media? What are the pros and cons? Is it safe? What is cyber bullying? How is cyber bullying different from traditional bullying? What are some types of cyber bullying? How can you deal with cyber bulling? Where do people cyber bully? Can you tell me about the Social media I use? How is digital content different? How can I safely use the internet?

These are the questions we will be answering today. The internet is a very positive invention that has helped many.. Today we will explore all the pros and cons. We will learn about many features and things that come with the web.

When you pick this brochure up, you should be thinking "I want to know about the online world". That is the purpose of this brochure.

Digital Media

What is it?

Digital media is media that is digital. That means it is information that is online. Media is news and digital is electronic. Digital media is a form of electronic media, in simple terms.

What does it do?

It has allowed for a lot communication. With it marketing can be more personalized. This makes people feel special, which builds trust and loyalty. It allows communication, gives opportunities to be creative and express yourself.

What is different now than it was in the past?

In the past you got it from radios, TV, newspapers and telephones. Now technology has changed and everything is digital. This has changed how we get out news. It is faster and easier to access. We get it from devices like phones, tablets, and iPods.

Some Pros and Cons


There is an infinite amount of space. It goes on forever. You can access information easily. It is very open and diverse. You can interact and communicate with others. It is a 24/7 part of our culture. It is social and allows relationships.


Because of the openness of the web anyone can publish low quality and inaccurate work. There is a lot of information and it is very dense. The down side is that it has a dark side.

Cyber Bullying

What is cyber bullying?

It is deliberately hurting someone feelings using technology.

What are some forms of technology used to cyber bully?

Some technologies used to cyber bully are emails, blogs, mobile phone, social networking sites, instant messaging, formspring, chat rooms, facebook and online game sites.

What are some characteristics of cyber bullying?

It is communicated quickly to everyone. It is invasive. It is often anonymous so it is hard to find the culprit. It is difficult to stop. Sometimes the police have to be involved. They can do it at any time of the day. There are many bystanders.

What are some forms of cyber bullying?

Some forms of cyber bullying are:

Harassment (which isn't legal)

It is repeatedly sending negative images.


It is spreading false information online.


It is online fighting


It is pretending to be another person online


It is repeatedly sending messages of harm


It is tricking someone into revealing secrets and telling it to others

Cyber Stalking

It is stalking someone online and sending messages of harm


It is excluding someone from chat groups online

How can you deal with being cyber bullied?

Sometimes you shouldn't fight back because they want to get a rise out of you. You should save the evidence. You should talk to someday.

When should you report being cyber bullied?

You should report being cyber bullied when:

· It is making you feel scared

· It is making you not go to school

· You can't stop thinking about it

· If they start threatening you


How is digital content different? It is open and anyone can create anything. It can reach millions of people at a time. You have to be very safe on the Internet. It was only born 15 years ago but it has rapidly grown. Now it has hackers and scammers. This shows how quickly the Web has grown and so fast.

Now that you have read all of these facts, get out and explore. The Internet is an amazing tool and device. Remember to always stay safe and enjoy!

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