The Plant Whisperer

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It was... quite a day. A day to remember for sure; never would I have, in my wildest of dreams, ever thought to imagine such a day to occur to me. It was an unforgettable day.

I woke up as usual. Nothing remarkable; something I do every day. I made coffee; fed my cat; and watered Kevin, my cactus. Now, now, I am sure you are wondering; "Why in the world would you need to water a cactus?" I applaud you, you genius. You have made remarkable observation as to why you would need to water a cactus. You have noticed something quite unusual in my day-to-day procedure. I will tell you now. My Kevin is special.

Go ahead. Accuse me of being deranged, psycho, crazy, or insane. Tell me to go to the mental asylum. I have heard it all.

Now, are you done? Good.

Well then, I will tell you my secret. I am a plant whisperer.

"Well that is utter bullshit!" you may think.

Yes, I am a plant whisperer. No, not like the one from the Lorax. He is a spokesperson and advocate for the trees. He is actually a good friend of mine. Oops, I am getting off topic.

I am a plant whisperer. I talk to the plants. You would never know what juicy secrets lay behind their plain, innocent cover. You would never even begin to imagine what I have heard. Oh, the many things they tell me. You would never believe what I once heard from a fern...

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