Yoongi Flowers

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She opens the door, wondering who it could be at such a late hour. It was Sunday, so the last day of the weekend.

"Aw. Thank you. Such a bouquet."

She exclaims in delight while looking at the gift.

"Yes, I know how much you love them."

"It makes me want to forgive you right here, right now."

At this he cheekily smirks, not giving her his usual smile. The one she loves; the gummy one. Then, after a moment, her excited looking expression plummets.

"Of course, I won't. Don't think I don't know what you are saying, Mister Min Yoongi. Seriously? You do realize I worked at a flower shop in my high school years and I took a flower language course in college. You don't think I understand the message you are trying to send me?"

Hearing this, his face drops. He suddenly looks really nervous. She could see the slight sheen of sweat on his red tinged face.

"What were you trying to do?"

"Maybe, get you to forgive me while also letting me be angry at you." He mumbled while running his hand through his hair and casting his eyes down on the floor.

"Wow. I never knew that you were that passive aggressive Yoongi. And, I never really liked flowers. Bring chocolates and I will think about it."

As he hurriedly tried to apologize, she slams the door on his sorry face.

"Never ever try to do that again!" She yells. The door muffling her angry voice.

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