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As I contemplate upon this year, I consider this year to be a project in the works. I mull over the fact I can be better. However, that is not the question to ask. The real question is, what is this better I seek? Once identified, I can plan on how to achieve this better to be superior. I suppose what needs improvement lies in my class participation. I have to start trying. I need to raise my hand more often and not fear failure. It is essential, for me, to say what is on my mind, voice my opinion, make mistakes and learn from them. I am duty-bound, to myself, to be bolder and braver.

This in the year of my transformation from a caterpillar, to become a beautiful butterfly. This is the year I make new habits and goals and stick to them. So far, I have implemented them into my home life and I am now working on moving these habits into my life in school. This year is still a year in the works as feels like it has just started for me. I feel there is still time to become the best possible Alana I can be. Or this is me just procrastinating.

My work habits are good. I can try to get started faster on my work, as a way to improve them. My desk is neat. I can definitely work on my time management. I should learn the skill of thinking long term and setting small due dates to keep up when I have a big project. I need to learn to make goals and stick to them. I struggle to make a plan and stick to it. I can improve this by making a plan and breaking it up into even smaller pieces. This way every step is clearly defined and easy to do. My struggle is also on the execution of the plan. This is the one thing you just have to do and there is no way around it. These are my problems and solutions.

There are many things I would like to get better at, but for next term I need to focus on my math skills. The way to achieve this goal for me is to practice math every day. That is all I can say for this term, so on to the next.

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