The Wolf in Sheep's Clothing /A Monster Inside

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As I looked into his eyes, my initial feelings of lust and passion died. They were crumpled up like a used piece of paper and tossed in the trash. I could almost hear the dull "thunk" the paper made when it hit the rim of the waste basket, bounced off and dropped to the floor.

His eyes, once so alluring, charming and captivating from far away, told a different story once inspected and examined up close. They told the tale of the countless, unspeakable horrors he had exacted without even batting an eyelash. That is what he was; only a machine. Made to blindly follow orders and commands. He was the perfect puppet. Executing the demands without any feelings or mercy.

I took a breath I didn't even know I was holding when I saw the alternate dimension he lived in. Everything was devoid of color and shape. The only words to describe it were; formless, empty, featureless and barren. Wide and cavernous but, oh so, blank. It was unlike a canvas because canvases are meant to be filled art, beauty, color and life. This was the very opposite of his mind. You could tell it had been tampered with. Something was missing. Somebody had stolen something. All the life, soul and previous energy had been sucked out, deleted, erased. It was just gone. His very essence has been taken. He had no heart. This was no place I would ever willingly step one foot into again. I promised myself.

He smirked when he realized I knew his secret. Then his mouth opened, exposing a perfect set of pearly set of teeth, which he smoothly fixed into a devilish grin. He did it so easily. It had the air of a move practiced too many times to count. Then his earlier rich and full of timbre dropped an octave; as he stared into me and spat out, "Whatcha lookin' at there, Sweetheart?"

This sent alarm bells ringing all over me. This served the purpose of warning me of the trouble I had barely dipped my toe in. I had only skimmed the surface of an endless lagoon. The deep and dangerous voice shook me out of my thoughtless trance. His voice reminded of rumbling thunder with ill-timed lighting flashes. I knew danger when I saw it, or in this case, heard it. It sent tiny, pinprick –like shivers up the length of my spine. I visibly shook; as the man who once, a great beauty, turned into a beast, right before my eyes. I would not be the next one, whom he would exploit and do his terrible deeds upon. It was time to go. I would never be able to seduce a type of man like him.

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