Not My Story

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What for? I lost my parents for this  dream. For a passport, for this unlimited permission to be able to stay here forever. To be able to breathe this fresh air and enjoy the amenities of this first world country. Is it worth it?

We came here with a hope. Hope for a future, hope to live a dream. A dream. But what are we getting? People who are here, are they happy? People like us who have fought hard to have a decent life . We came here, studied at the university so we could get a job. Job we got alright, worked hard to establish ourselves. Language being a major barrier, held us back in every step on the way . We had to work twice as much than others, the Natives, to just secure the job. What for? For a passport? What do we do with it? Is it future security ? What kind of security? Is it really necessary? How much dire need is it for any person? What about all my relatives who can't even imagine being in our shoes? Or what about those who would give all their wealth and life to be in our shoes right now? They would give everything to be where we are now.
Every step on the way you are being radicalised. Despite being fluent in English, your kids are coerced to take ESL classes. I have no objection to that, but how does a child feel when they are asked to line up and leave the room to go and attend ESL classes? Have you ever thought about it? Coming here wasn't easy for us in the first place.  From the very first day we had been surviving all sorts of ordeals. Just so, we can live this dream. We prepared documents, gave several language proficiency exams, our night and days were spent praying to the almighty for granting us the opportunity to come to this country, so our application would be accepted they would call us for interview, what for?  Then we came here, contributing effectively to the economy, serving the society, and all we get in return is doubt.....

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