The Day It Came

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It was a cold and gloomy night. All around me there was a thick and misty fog. Trapped, trapped, trapped. That's how I felt. The emptiness inside of me was a void I couldn't fill. Why did she leave me? Why, why, why. How could she do this to me? Didn't she care? She left me with him. Always drunk, never there. He is the worst father imaginable to a daughter. Is this how cruel the world was always?

Her death was untimely. An accident they told me, but I know better. She was a black hard working mother. She provided for us the best she could but even then we went to bed most nights with our stomach growling. My dad was once also a good man but after anti-black people murdered of my baby brother, he was never the same. Our leader Marco Trump hates anybody who isn't white. He had originated from the original Donald Trump who had said that he would make America great again. He didn't and this is the aftermath of what happened. The people that had killed my baby brother Sam, had yelled "Don't worry we will be back for the rest of you." Her death was not an accident, it was injustice.

I dream about the when I can escape this hell hole and be free. All my life I have been told to hide my skin. It is very hard. Can you imagine trying to make friends when you can't reveal your identity? That is why I am usually lonely. The white kids make fun of me because white people are always bullies. They are very prejudiced. When I was younger I thought about committing suicide but I always stopped myself because then who would be there for my mom? Now that she isn't here anymore who can stop me?

At school they started jeering at me? Didn't your mom die? Aren't you sad? Cry dark Stick cry! At school they call me Dark stick because of my skin and because of how skinny I am. They tell me I resemble a stick. Sometimes when I was younger I locked myself into the bathroom and cried and cried until my eyes were dry. This was the life I led and I hated it.

One day while I cried I heard a noise. The noise turned to music. It was so beautiful it seemed to lift me from the misery I felt every day. It was an orchestra, so magnificent and grand I yearned to join them. I felt the powerful urge to race to them. It was something I had never felt before. I was so eager I felt like lifting up and flying to join them.

I never did and I have always regretted it. Till this very day, I wonder what might have been, but never was.

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