The Failed Experiment

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Mad Scientist; evil mastermind that wants to take over the world. (Big Bad Wolf)

Specimen 1; first specimen made by the Scientist. (Pig 1)

Specimen 2; second specimen made by the Scientist. (Pig 2)

Specimen 3; third specimen made by the Scientist. (Pig 3)

Narrator; the person who tells the story

Scene 1:

Narrator: This story begins with a person and his dreams. The person is a scientist, a mad scientist. This scientist wants to control the world. To do this he must control mankind. His plan is to make three experiments with superpowers to control humans. Right now his work is not going to well. You could say he is on a bumpy road.

Scientist: Ugh! This was my hundred-twenty-fifth time trying. Now, I have gone and forgotten the formula of hypnosis. When will I get it right!

Narrator: As you can see he is off to a bumpy start.

Narrator: A few days later.

Scientist: Finally! Yes, it has been a success! All of my work has not gone to waste.

Narrator: The mad scientist is ecstatic when he sees his creation for the first time. Specimen 1 is sleeping and breathing rapidly, as if having horrifying nightmares.

Scientist: Hey, are you okay?

Specimen 1: (silence)

Scientist: Okay, I will take that as a yes. I am going to the garden room to check on my plants. You just wait here and rest.

(The mad scientist leaves the room closing the door behind him.)

Narrator: Specimen 1 jumps up and says,

Specimen 1: Finally that horrible man is gone. I have been poked, prodded, and examined by him my whole life. Now that he is gone, I can finally explore.

Narrator: After Specimen 1 explored the lab he discovered that there were no doors. He was trapped. There was one door but it was covered and hidden. The door was locked from the outside.

Narrator: Specimen 1 went to find the scientist. The room where the scientist was located was locked. Bright lights and machinery sounds emitted from the inside.

Narrator: A few minutes later, the lock clicked and the door opened wide. The scientist walks in with one more specimen in his hands. This specimen was an exact replica of Specimen 1. The only difference was that she was a girl.

Scientist: Come meet your little sister.

(Specimen 1 inches in)

Narrator: She was giving a hint of a smile as if she was having pleasant dreams. When she woke up she said to him,

Specimen 2: Hello brother.

(Rudely the scientist said in a gruff voice)

Scientist: Hey both of you get out. I know the formula now so I am going to make a third sibling for you two. Oh, and if you feel nausea or headaches don't worry because that is just your powers kicking in.

(Surprised at hearing this Specimen 1 jumps up)

Specimen 1: What powers? We have powers to do what exactly?

Scientist: Don't worry boy you will find out soon enough. All in good time. Now go before I vaporize you.

Specimen 2: Ok, we'll go. I don't want my life to end before it even started.

Scene 2:

Narrator: A few fleeting moments later.

Scientist: You are now the eldest of three.

Narrator: When they went in they did not find anyone on the bed. Instead they found him in the corner of the room hooked on to a dozen machines .The only two Specimen 1 recognized were the ventilator and the I-V drip.

Scientist: Don't worry in a few hours when he gets his powers, he will be fine.

Specimen 1: What powers?

Scientist: Oh. Yes you don't know what your powers are.

Specimen 2: Yes I was going to ask that.

Scientist: Okay, sit down this might take a long time. Let me explain, I want to control the world. To do this, I need to control mankind. I have tried for many years and now I am too old to do it myself. I have created you with superpowers to control humans' .I want to spread evil around the world. Specimen 1 you can control humans. Specimen 2 you can control their dreams and Specimen 3 you can turn people angry.

Specimen 1:Don't feel evil.

Specimen 2: Me too.

Scientist: It's probably a side effect.

Narrator: He mutters to himself,

Scientist: Oh I hope it is just a side effect because if they are good instead of evil then all my work would have gone down the drain. I might not be able to rule the world. All my work would have been in vain.

Scene 3:

Narrator: Over the course of the next few days the scientist realized that his creations did the opposite of what he wanted. Instead of spreading evil they spread goodness. One day the scientist thought to himself,

Scientist: Since the specimens are not what I expected I cannot allow them to go into the world and spread happiness and joy. I need a way to get rid of them forever. There is only one way to do this, I will have to kill them.

Narrator: What the scientist did not know was that the three specimens were listening through the walls.

(Excited yet scared the specimens paced around the room)

Specimen 1: What do we do?

Specimen 2: We escape.

Specimen 3: How? There are no doors.

Specimen 2: There is one.

Specimen 1: Where?

Specimen 3: Where?

Specimen 2: In the room you found me there is a door.

Specimen 3: When will we go?

Specimen 2: Right now.

Narrator: They examined the room and found the door. Just then the scientist came running in.

Scientist: No! No! No! Where do you think you are going?!

Specimen 1: So long.

(The specimens ran out)


Narrator: Unfortunately our story has come to an end. While the scientist was making a bomb to kill the specimens he ended up killing himself. After the specimens received word they lived happily after all.

The End!

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