- 1 - Moving

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It took me a while to understand what my mother just said.

"M-moving?" I stuttered.

"Honey..." She was about to grab my hand when I pulled it away.

I looked at her disgustingly and she pulled away. I never meant to hurt her but that's all I could do right now.

I grabbed my backpack and left her quiet.

How the hell was I going to bring up my reputation, how on earth am I going to bring up the life I brought here.

I didn't notice that I was heading for the alley all alone till....

"Jaebum" I turned around to a familiar voice.

"Hey." She came closer to me grabbing my head and pushing close to me exposing her boobs a little more than usual.

"What do you want Paola." I said bothered. I rolled my eyes at her foolishness.

She let her hand flow to my cheek making me feel her fake nail.

I rolled my eyes at her.

"Aww. Your girl hasn't treated you right, has she?" She began to get closer to me.

"Don't bring her up right now." I pushed her grabbing her hands and yanking her off me.

"Go off to your other dogs that really need you." I began to walk when she turned me around unexpectedly.

She got close to me and kissed me. She moved her lips softly and all I did was push her slowly.

She giggled and left walking off.

I rolled my eyes and turned around. When I did,I saw my girlfriend crying.

She stayed there not moving. Not letting her cries get a hold of her. Tears just running down. I admired her because of that, not letting anything get ahold of her, just letting them fall.

I moved close to her and she backed away; like if I was some kind of monster or a virus.

I moved closer, luckily she didn't move back this time.

I went to wrap my arms around her and she pushed me away: mad.

"Stop.....Stop!!!" She said banging at my chest everytime I try to put her close to me.

I grabed her wrist making her wince in pain.

"LOOK AT ME!" I scream.She stopped banging and looked at me with fear.

I grabbed her head and caressed it.

"Do you think I would want a hoe to kiss me? I would rather die. Besides, I love you. No matter what. I don't need an ......"

"How do you expect me to believe you?" She interrupted.

"You are always doing stuff that gets me mad.

I hate it Bum.

I HATE it." She began to scream.

"Everyday is the same.

Drugs is always on you and you lie to me.

How can I believe you now?

Can you for once just be loyal to your nerd........" She hesitated.

"Friend." She let out tears..

"Friend?" I pushed her gently away from me.

"We were friends before anything. I was a nerd and I was scared being with you. When you finally asked me to become your girlfriend I was scared. I never dated anyone like you before. You don't know what is like to be a nerd. You don't know what we go through everyday of our lives. Then you hurt me everyday with out you caring. You never ask about my feelings. I'm better of being your friend than....."

"I'm moving to Busan." I interrupted.

"Y- You what?" She stopped talking which made her vulnerable. I caught her in a second.

I went closer to her.

"If you don't trust me......"

I was to her ear kissing it.

"Let me help you..."

She pushed me away with another tear in her eye and turned around for some space.

I didn't want to lose her. She did say we were friends, but she's also family to me.

She turned around quickly and all that I knew is that she pushed to me and kissed me.

She has never kissed me this way. She would give me soft kisses but this is the first time she's giving me a sexy lip kiss.

She began to get sexier by the minute that I forgot we were in the middle of the streets.

She pulled away with a smirk in her face.

"Can't get enough?" She said laughing.

I picked her up away and took her to a place where I used to get deals for drugs. Next to 2 buildings.

"Let's have fun while it lasts." I say.

She kissed me and I kissed her back. I kept touching her back and I didn't even notice I took off her jacket. She kept kissing me hard, and I felt a tear fall off her.

I pulled away panting; I began to care for her face.

"I don't do drugs anymore Casey. That's in the past for me. I left them the day I began dating a sexy nerd." I winked at her.

"Bum......" She said pushing me away.

"I love you, but...... I don't think we're going to last." She said calmly and I knew where she was going with this. It was pretty obvious that we will not have a long distance relationship for what she went through.

"I know you've tried doing long distance relationships and they don't work." I say making her look at me.

"I'll make a deal with you." I say making her head look at me.

"In 5 years from now. I want us to meet up here." I say making her giggle.

"Here?" She asked.

"Yes. I'll put it on my calender and reserve it. This exact day in five years and at this time. 9 pm. Make sure you come." She giggled even more.

"What are you talking about. YOU make sure to come becuase you always miss things. But I will put it on my calander."
She replied.

I smiled and she smiled back.

"Goodbye Casey."

"Goodbye Bum...."

With one last kiss, our lips parting for the end. I went directly to my house, beginning to pack up for tomorrow. The start of a new life.

That's when I heard my father come back and I quickly hid my stuff under my bed.

I could hear over my door that he went to the couch and began to sleep. That's when my mom came into my room.

"I know you hate it but please,start pa....."

"Mom." I grabbed her hand.

"I'm sorry about today. Don't worry. We will no longer have to worry about him. It's us two now." I pulled her into a hug and I felt her tears coming.

Not only her's fell, but also mine.

Today Casey made me realize something. She's probably younger than me by 3 or 2 years, but she has a gift of helping others, which made me realize that my mom needs me more than anyone.

That's why at midnight we left I thought about Casey and thanking her.

Because a strong bond can also come from a little heart.

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