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I was about to stand up when 2 shadows came close to me.

I looked up and saw who they were.

"Hey, I wanted to come and apologize." Jinyoung said sitting next to me in the swing.

I was taken back, that's when I saw Casidy just smiling down at me. She is so sweet. After all I've done to her, she's always backed me up and helped me.

"After what I heard about you whispering my name while she was with you" He turned to her and if she was a little lighter, you could tell she was blushing " it made me realize that you will always come back to me, and love me" He grabbed my hand and I grabbed it back. I could just scream right now.

I could see Casidy leaving when Jinyoung called her.

She was a little spooked by the moment she thought she ruined.

"Yes?" She spoke softly.

Jinyoung stood up and let go of my hand to grab hers. "Thank you" He pulled her in for a hug and she hugged him back.

I could see a little tear fall from her face and her face was very red. Suddenly she began to sob.

I went in and hugged her. This moment was very sweet but very memorable.

"I- I'm sorry..." She let go of us and cleaned her tears.

"I've been through so much that I.....want to take back every decision I've made in life....." I clean her eyes and that got me thinking about her.

"Everything will be alright" I grabbed her face. And cleaned every tear that kept falling.

We hugged each other and we took our paths.

When we arrived home Yugyeom was there in the counter with tears in his eyes.

I signaled Jinyoung to leave us alone, so he did. I went closer to Yugyeom to try to help him out but he seemed not to want it. I still went anyway.

"She told me she likes me" He said like a whisper but still loud enough for me to hear. I was surprised though. She was seducing Jinyoung, and now Yugyeom?

"Congratulations." I congratulated him. And he halfed smiled. "But if she confessed, then why are you like this."

He looked up at me and did a small chuckle.

"Why am I going to like someone who seduced Jinyoung and almost ruined your relationship. " I felt and awe shoot through me.

"Besides, I may like her a lot, but I can't get the image of her seducing Jinyoung. "


"Yeah.... you didn't know. They were in the living room watching a TV and then she was getting on top of him and he was surprised. So he pushed her and went to the room. Until I couldn't see the rest."

I imagine Jinyoung just pushing her off.

"So what did you tell her."

"Well, she thought she could seduce me. She was right, BUT. I knew what to do when she began ubbuttoning my shirt. I pushed her off, screamed at her stuff I regret." He began to cry again.

I patted him on the shoulder until we heard some screams from Jackson and his loud laugh coming to us.

"Ahhhhhhhhhh Yugyeom! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" He screamed and Bambam was Behind him. They were so happy for something.

"WE WON 10 DOLLARS FROM THE GAME YOU COULDN'T WIN LAST TIME." They were jumping all over the place.

Yugyeom began to laugh a little and he had another tear in his eyes.

"You won the 10 dollars for me?" He asked

They all began to look at him in awe and went to go hug us. Soon we were all laughing.

Yugyeom's phone began to ring.

He didn't even hesitate to answer.

"Hello? Yes? Shilé? " I rolled my eyes and so did everyone .

"Huh? Oh yes.... I'll be there in a few minutes." He got his keys but before he could leave I closed the door.

"What the heck are you doing........." he said.

"I'm stopping you......" I responded.

"Look....... I just need to settle something with her. I'm not going back with her." He pushed me out of the way and with that. He's off.

"YAHH!!!" I look and see Jackson running to me till I was tackled and being hit.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM?" He kept tackling me but not hurting me. "WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP OUR LITTLE HIT THE STAGE BOII?" Then I felt another body in top of mine. Which was BamBam.

"Yeah, can't you see he still need to learn. He need to go to school boi" BamBam said.

I sighed and I finally pushed them off.

They looked at me and I looked up.

"Fine." I said. Jackson jumped while BamBam fainted to the couch. Guess he was tired.

I left out and just forgot one thing. I didn't know where he was going.

I ran and ran everywhere. I didn't mind going to the restaurants becuase Yugyeom wouldn't go there and expose himself. Then I thought, a bar.

I ran as fast as the wind. I thought I could fly.

My only mission was to find out why she called him. Why did she want him anyway, she doesn't like him. I kept running until I accidently hit someone. A little girl with a black sweater, black pants and her hands in her pocket covered up.

"Oh, I'm sorry little girl." She didn't want to look up she kept looking at the floor.

I seriously didn't have the time to stay and wait for her but I didn't want this little girl to be alone in the streets, especially at this hour.

"Anything I could do for you little one?" She still kept silence.

"N-no s-sir" She finally said. Her voice sounded like she was terrified, yet she still did not look up.

"Look if you need your parents, I have a phone so you can ca...."

"N-no. P-please. I-I b-beg mercy. I'm s-sorry." She grabbed my hand and fell to the floor. When I saw her arm no longer covered by the sweater, I noticed it was burned. "P-please, I didn't mean to dis-disrespect. I'm-I'm trying. R-really" There was no other way to put it. This little girl was in trauma. Once she looked up the hoody was taken off. And I saw her face was half burned. "I'm trying to be pretty a-again..... please d-dont h-hurt me....." Tears were flowing her face and I didn't know what to do.

"CHEQUITA!!!!!!" She jumped in shock and she looked at me. Her eyes were in need of help.

"P-please. Take me back. P-papa, I'll be nice." This little girl was in too shock that she thought I was her father.

Her grips were getting harder and everytime they would call she would jump. I saw the man looking everywhere. Then I looked at her eyes. They were a soft brown. Her tears made it even worse.

I stood up and pushed her hand away. I grabbed her up and she winced in pain. "Oh are you okay... I didn't mean to hurt you" I put a sweater around her. It was my red one. It look like a jacket on her, but it was one way I could hide her. "It's okay P-papa." She hugged me this time. I didn't want her to be disappointed that I'm not her father so I picked her up instead.

"Just sleep little one" I hold her and see the guy still looking. He didn't notice her in my arms so he kept walking. I sighed in relief, but why? I didn't know this girl. But how come she was sill important to me for a reason?

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