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Breaking news..

I wake up during the flight home and hear the TV news.

23 year old Courtney Hepburn comites suicide at 2 in the morning. Neighborhood families were shock at her sudden suicide note and sudden death. They thought it was murder. Police men concluded it was not murder because of the following letter.

It stated " To whom it may concern. I hadn't gotten over the fact that I was raped by my father and that he sold me to a friend of his. Till this day it haunts me and I still get dirty looks by everyone. Let me make sure that I no longer be a burden to anyone. I'm sorry.  Courtney Hepburn.

From the moment I heard ' To whom it may concern ' and ' I'm sorry. Courtney Hepburn ' I knew this was murder. I stood up to walk over to Jackson and Jinyoung.

It was murder.

How do you know? Jinyoung asked looking at me peircley. I remembered that she was a hoe and a bitch to everyone, and hearing the fact that she was raped makes it a good motive to comit suicide.

You don't know her. Besides, I was the last person she talked to. I remembered she was trembling a lot. She gave me something from Casey and she confessed many things. She helped me out it many ways but why would she do that?

Suddenly Jackson's brain kicked in.

Why would she give out the last letters and everything to you if it never even involved you? Why else would she give away precious information to you?

She was threatened too. Jinyoung said very plainly. I feel bad now. Many people are dying. For something you.....  he pointed at me. Did. And if you don't tell us..... he stood up walking away. More people are going to die.

He went to go check on this flight attendant with short curly hair. Her hair was a shade of brown and she was filled with makeup. He whispered something to her and she just stood there. He came back to us and sat next to me.

I wanted to cuddle him so bad but instead, I stood up knowing he wouldn't want me there. I felt a hand grab me and I was pushed to the chair again. I felt him get on top of me and kiss my nape.

I forgive you if you can firgive me.

He licked my nape to my face and intensely looked at me. He was very serious and his face looked very red. His eyes was caring which stunned me the most. It looked worried and tired. Something I've never notice. Maybe he was right, I pay attention to myself too much that I never think about others.

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