~ 21 ~ Derek?

112 4 3

×Markson moment×
*secrets out*
*Yugyeom smut part 1*
*I'm sorry*
*just kill me*
*I'm going to start spoiling you guys with updates since I've been unactive*


We all sat around the corner of the bar listening to their conversation when a name caught my attention.

"Find me Derek." Shilé said. All we could see was the back of her body, but we saw Yugyeom clearly.

A man came over. He is tall, well groomed man that I could've sworn he looked like a business CEO. I remember the book that I read about Casey. She wrote about Derek, but I never finished up reading it. I only payed attention about Blake. Why wouldn't I, it sounds like her boyfriend.

I saw the man turn to Yugyeom and then at the computer.

Shilé was always watching us, she knew what we did when we left. She was recording us all the time, no wonder we almost died on that plane.

"Look..." The guy Derek grabbed Shilé on her neck and her men stood up. "I didn't want Casey to get killed..... yet she's gone now. I did what you asked for.... now where's my money?"

"I asked....for the locations... and then you'll get the money." She coughed out the words.

The man sighed while putting her down.

"Why do you need the location for that software... just buy another one, you have the money.." All of her men laughed and so did she. She moved to the computer and sat down in front of Yugyeom.

"That's the only existing software that my father and those other boys' father's did." She slammed her hand on the table and stood up.

"I want to finish what my father began, and the only people who will suffer like my dad did is them." She pointed at the computer when Jinyoung was holding Casey and I was with him.

She paused the video and looked at them.

"They accidentally killed her." She turned around. Looking at Yugyeom with a smirk.

"There's 2 more to go."

She moved in closer to him and kissed his lips. All of us looked away at the disgusting view.

"And you my dear...." She started 

"Are our key to finding all of it."

I looked at the guys and their eyes where wide. In that instant, I knew what she was looking for.

I signaled the guys to pay up and go. When we moved, I felt a stare from the guy Derek on me. I looked at his eyes and I clearly saw him. A familiar image occurred in my mind.

I quickly moved the guys to hurry up to the dorms. I had to see it myself.

We began to walk the streets and I could feel the men walking behind us, they could tell it was us. I had only one option left.

"Goodbye sweetie." I grabbed Mark since he was right next to me.

He gave me an eyed look and I hugged him.

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