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Mark's P. O. V

I walked down the sidewalk, my shoulders hunched against the wind. I hated Monday's, Monday's could kiss my ass. I mean why does Monday have to be so far away from Friday? It doesn't make any sense.

I finally arrived at school and opened the door, then walked into the warm building. The hallways were full of people laughing and talking. I made my way around them, heading to my locker.

Someone called my name, I turned around to find Yugyeom jogging over to me. He smiled.

"Hey, what's up?" I asked.

We continued to walk down the hallway, Yugyeom was babbling his mouth like always but I wasn't listening.

"And then I said Bambam, you truly are a fashionista of this generation. Maybe I can ask him to change your outfits."

We stopped at my locker, I put in my locker combination and opened it.

"What's wrong with my outfits?" I asked glaring at him.

"N-nothing, it's just that you can look way better. And I-i'm not saying you don't look good right now, you look great-"

"Yugyeom, just stop talking."

He nodded and shut up, I grabbed my textbooks that I needed, then closed the locker.

"What's your first class?" Yugyeom asked.

"I have Mr. Wang," I replied, "For Korean 1."

I had to take it because I didn't speak Korean very well. I had moved from LA California to here. Now my mom had a job, and I had a part time job. I worked at a small coffee cafe down the street from here.

"Oh, you mean The Mr. Wang with all his goodness?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Yugyeom what the heck?"

He rolled his eyes, "I know you're not blind. Mr. Wang is like the best looking teacher here."

I shook my head, "Okay, and I should care because?"

"I'm just saying, I mean, if you really look at him then you'll see what I'm talking about."

"Yeah, or I'll see that you're a stalker who watches him all the time."

"That's not true," he replied quickly his cheeks turning red.

"Mhm, tell that to your red cheeks."

He stopped in front of my classroom, "I'll see you at break."

"Alright, where are we going to meet?"

"How about we meet-"

"After class," Mr. Wang said walking out of the classroom.

His brown hair was messy from the wind. He was wearing a jacket over his outfit. Yugyeom blushed and nodded.

"Remember what I said," he said before he walked past me and down the hallway.

I sighed and walked past Mr. Wang, and into the classroom. People were laughing and talking. I walked to the back of the classroom and took my seat next to the window.

The bell rang, everyone took their seats as the teacher walked back inside the classroom. He stood in front of the board.

"Alright everyone please take out your homework."

There were sounds of rustling and people murmuring. I ignored it and put in my earbuds. Then I looked out the window, the sky looked closely. Hopefully it wasn't going to rain, if it did then that would suck.

It would mean that I would have to work a longer shift until the rain let up and that is something that I did not want to do. Someone cleared their throat. I looked up at Me. Wang who had his arms crossed over his chest.

"Where's your paper?" he asked.

"Um.... I didn't do it."

"Why not?"

"Because I thought, oh this is a waste of my time, so I didn't do it."

He frowned, "Stay after class, i need to talk to you."

Some people went ohhhh, I rolled my eyes and watched as he walked back in front of the class.
That's why I hate Monday's, I'm always getting in trouble.

It felt like forever before the bell rang. Everyone packed up and left the classroom. I stayed behind like Mr. Wang said and stood at his desk. He typed something into his computer ignoring me.

"Are you going to talk to me or not, because you're wasting my time."

He stopped and looked at me, then leaned back in his chair.

"You haven't been paying attention in my classes and you have not been doing the homework. So I've decided that you will be joining me after school for detention."

"I can't have detention, I have a job that I need to get to," I said.

There was no way that I was staying after school just because I wasn't paying attention.

"Well you should have thought of that before you decided to not do the homework."


"Detention after school, that's it."

This was freaking perfect, detention after school. Can this day get any worse?

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