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Mark's P. O. V

To my excitement, it was raining outside, great right? And that's not even the best part. The best part is that my mom can't pick me up, and I bet you know what that means. Yup, walking home in the rain. Just my luck.

I sighed and pulled my hoodie over my head as I walked down the sidewalk. Getting completely soaked in under ten seconds.

The wind wasn't helping either, if there's two things I hate it's the rain and the wind. I like the summer where it's nice and hot. You can go to the beach and relax, take a swim. But what am I stuck in? Rain and wind, what's next hail?

I tightened my jacket around me as I continued to walk down the sidewalk. The sound of a car stopping next to me caused me to stop. I looked up as the window rolled down and who did I see? Mr. Jackson freaking Wang.

"Get in."

"No thanks, I'll walk."

"It wasn't a request."

I frowned and walked around to the passenger side then got in. All was quiet as he started drive down the street. The only sound was the window wipers going back and forth on the car. We stopped at a red light. Jackson reached over to my side, I tensed.

He chuckled, "Relax, I'm just turning on the heat."

"I know that, anyway do you know where my house is?" I asked glancing at him.

"Yeah, I know where your house is."

Talk about stalkers, this guy was a complete stalker. I knew something seemed off about him ever since he walked into that damn classroom. Mr. Wang pulled up in front of my house, but my mom wasn't home. I forgot that she worked late on Friday's.

I sighed and called her, on the third ring she picked up.


"Hey Mom, when are you coming home?"

"At eight, why?"

"I forgot you work late."

"Oh, well, stay over at a friends house, then come home around eight okay sweetie?"


"I have to go, I love you."

"I love you too."

I sighed as I hung up and put my phone away. I can't go to Yugyeom's house because he won't be there. He's out with his family, and I couldn't call Bambam because he was busy hanging out with his boyfriend most likely.

Which leaves me with one choice.... Mr Wang. I sigh and look at him.

"My mom doesn't get home until eight tonight so I was wondering if I could stay at your place until then."

He nodded, "Sure, I don't see why not."

I hope I was making the right decision.

(Time Skip )

Mr. Wang house was nice for a teacher.... Okay okay it was huge. He has three floors, and a gaming room. Everything in his house is white, which is pretty beautiful.

How did he lay for something like this? I mean, he must be deep in pockets because..... Damn.

He chuckled at my expression, "Nice isn't it?"

"Yeah, what job do you have because I want it."

He laughed, "I'm just a substitute."

I looked at him, "Substitute my ass, you must have worked somewhere else to get this type of money."

"It's called hard work," he said taking a seat on the couch.

"Yeah, I know that but-"

I yelped a little bit as I tripped over the coffee leg of the table. I felt arms around my waist, and a warm body pressed against mine.

I gasped, but didn't move, damn it my body froze up. Mr. Wang's scent filled my nose, it smelled sweet and spicy at the same time.

I heard him chuckle and looked down at me, "You should be more careful okay?"

I only stared up at him, now that I'm actually looking at him, he's not bad looking. He's actually cute..... Okay, I'm lying. He's hot. His brown hair is sitting perfectly across his forehead. His skin has a nice tan to it, and his eyes....are staring back at me.

I blushed and pulled away quickly looking down. My cheeks were red.

"S-sorry M-mr. Wang."

Damn it, stuttering. Come on get yourself together.


I looked up, "Huh?"

"My names Jackson, call me that."

"M-mr Wang-"


"J-jackson, I-I'm S-sorry"

"You don't have to apologize, I'm just glad your okay. That's all that matters."

He walked over to me and kissed my forehead. My eyes widened, and I blushed. Mr- I mean Jackson smiled.

"I'll make you something to eat, what do you want."

"I-i.... Y-you....."

He chuckled, "You can't eat me, I mean unless you want to."

I blushed, "S-shut up, I don't want to eat you!"

"You sure?"

I grabbed a pillow and hit him with it. "Yes, I'm sure."

He laughed, I smiled a little. He's laugh was so beautiful. It made my happy.

"I'll make you something okay? How about you find something to watch?"

"Okay, Jackson."

He smiled and walked into the kitchen, I smiled and sat down on the couch, hugging a pillow.

I can't believe Jackson kissed me on the forehead. Was that legal? Was it illegal? Did I like it? We'll I knew the answer to the last question. Yes, yes I did like it.

Ohhhh, so Jackson made a move and kissed Mark. And we know that Mark liked the kiss. Yaaaa. Alright, so next chapter will have smut in it, just a heads up. Chapter Eleven coming soon! I saw you're guys comments this morning! Thanks you guys, I'm so happy that you like this book! I will continue! Love you guys!

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