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I knocked on Mr. Wang's door, then walked in without waiting for a reply. He looked up as I walked in and smiled.

"Hello Mark, how can I help you?" he asked.

"I can't go to detention today."

He frowned slightly, "And your reason is-"

"My boss will yell at me and possibly fire me."

"Well that's not my problem, I'm not the one who isn't doing their homework am I?"

Seriously, this guy is a complete jerk. I mean, I know I'm not doing the work but still....

"Well, can we reschedule or something?"

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose thinking. After a minute, he looked up at me.

"You're lucky I like you Mark."

I let that comment brush off my shoulder, but I smiled.


"Fine," he sighed, "Friday after school is that better?"

I thought for a minute, I'm so glad that I have a day off that day.


"Alright, is that all?"


"Okay, then I'll see you later. And make sure you do the homework."

"I don't get it."

He chuckled, "Well if you were paying attention then you'd know how to do it. I can help with tutoring if you should need it."

"Thanks Mr. Wang."

"It's what I'm here for Mark."

I nodded and left the classroom, I don't know why, but I smiled everytime Mr. Wang said my name.

It's short, I know, I'm trying to make the chapters longer.

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