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Jackson's P. O. V

For the next three following days, I haven't seen Mark. I'm a little worried that something happened to him. I tried calling him and texting him but he would never reply. Which made me more worried.

It was a Thursday and I decided to go see Mark. I found out where he lives. No, it's not creepy, and yes I'm allowed to do that. I need to know where he lives, I'm a teacher after all.

I pulled up in front of his house and got out. I walked up to the front door and knocked on it. There was no answer. I knocked again and waited. After a minute, the door opened to reveal a young woman, who I'm guessing is Mark's mom.

"Yes?" she asked.

"Hello Mrs. Tuan, I'm looking for your son. Mark."

"What did he do now?"

"He didn't do anything, I just need to talk to him about his missing assignments."

See? Not a total lie.

"Oh, well he isn't here, he's at his father's house."

"Oh. Can you give me the address please?"

>>> Time skip<<<

I pulled up in front of a house, it wasn't completely horrible, but it wasn't nice either. I got out of my car and walked up to the front door, making sure I got the right address. The last thing I want to do is walk up to the wrong house.

I knocked and waited, looking around the neighborhood. After a minute, i knocked again. The door opened a little, revealing Mark. His eyes were red and puffy, and his hair was messy. He looked surprised and scared to see me.

"J-jackson what are you doing here?" he asked. His throat sounded raspy, as if he hadn't drank anything in a while.

"I came to see if you were all right. I haven't seen you at school and I got worried."

"I'm fine I-"

"Mark, who's at the door?" came a voice further in the house.

The voice sounded male and deeper, probably his dad.

"Just a teacher from school," Mark called back, his throat cracking.

That worried me more, has he drank anything?

"Let them in."

He closed his eyes and leaned his head against the door.

"He doesn't want to come in," he said.

"Bring them in NOW boy."

Mark opened his eyes, and opened the door wider so I could walk in. I did, as Mark closed and locked the door. He walked past me, I followed him. There were a lot of boxes around the house.

"Lots of boxes."


Mark led me into a living room, where a man sat on the couch. He muted the TV and looked up as we walked in. He drank something from a bottle, maybe something that had alcohol in it. He put it on the floor and looked at Mark.

"Get me another drink boy."

Mark hurried past me, and into the kitchen. As he passed me I saw red marks on his neck. I turned my attention back to his dad who was looking at me.

"Who are you?" he asked.

"I'm Mr. Wang, one of your son's teachers."

Mark came back with a full bottle of beer, and handed it to his dad. He opened the top and drank some before setting it down.

"One of my son's teachers huh?" he asked.

"Yes Mr. Tuan."

Mark stood next to his father, looking down at the floor.

"Strange, my son hasn't even had a friend over. He's too embarrassed by me."

"That's not true dad-"

"Shut up, was I walking to you?!"

Mark flinched and looked down.


"N-No sir."

"Then shut up."

His father looked at me, "You're not doing my son any favors. He doesn't need school, he needs a job. He needs to get out there in the real world."

"I understand that sir, but I find education very important. You see, your son here is very talented. He's smart and he's doing good in school-"

"That's a load of crap."

"Excuse me?" I asked.

Mr. Tuan chuckled, "I think you have my son mixed up with someone else. This boy here," he pointed at Mark, "Isn't smart. He's not going to do anything with his life. He's an idiot, he ain't cut out to graduate no damn high school."

Mark's jaw tightened, but he didn't say anything which confused me a bit. Why wasn't Mark saying anything?

"Well, I'm sure that if you see what your son is capable of-"

"I know what he's capable of Mr. Wang. He's not worth anything except for a good fuck thats it."


I hope I misheard him, has he put his hands on Mark? If he has, I'm going to make sure he wishes he never laid a finger on him. I looked at Mark, who was staring at the floor, tears rolling down his face.

"You heard me. He's only good at getting laid in bed. That's what brings in the money," he chuckled.

That pissed me off, who did this guy think he was?

"So, you use your son to get money?"

"Pretty much, I don't lay him of course. I have friends who do that-"

"Dad, enough. Can Me. Wang leave now?"

"Shut the hell up boy. The next time you speak without me telling you to. You're going to get punished, got it?"

Mark didn't say anything. I decided to step in, this has dragged on long enough.

"Mr. Tuan, your wife needs to speak to your son. So I'd appreciate it if you'd let me take him to her."

"I don't care, he's done for today."

I bowed even though I was filled with so much anger. Mark walked out of the living room, as following behind him. He grabbed his bag from the front and walked out of the front door, I followed right behind him.

We both got in the car, I started it up as he buckled himself in. It wasn't long before we were driving down the road.

Guys, I just had an idea to do a Vkook fanfiction. Would you guys read it if I decided to do it? I don't know why, but I'm so happy about the idea of just doing it haha. I already have the covers done and I'm starting in the rough drafts. Yes drafts, there's more than one. Two Vkook fanfictions and one Jikook fanfiction. So let me know what you think please. Thx guys!

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