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Jackson's P. O. V

We walked into my classroom, neither of us talking. Mark sat at a desk, his earbuds still in, looking at nothing. To me, Mark was a puzzle, a puzzle that I can't figure out.

He doesn't do any work, school is just a place for him to hang out. I don't even know how he got this far. I took a seat at my desk and did my work.

Well, tried to do my work, but my eyes kept wandering to Mark. His lips that look soft and very kissable if I may add. The way his button is undone on his school uniform.

I tore my eyes away from him, I wouldn't be having these thoughts about a student, but I can't help it. He's too.... What's the word? Tempting. From his look to his attitude.

His attitude turns me on, it makes me want him to submit to me. He thinks that he can be an asshole, well I can be a bigger one.

"So, I'm I going to do anything here or just sit around?" Mark asked.

I looked up from my computer, he had removed his earbuds. My eyes traveled to his lips for a minute, then returned to his eyes.

"Depends on what you want to do."

"I want to leave and not spend my time in here. Or anywhere near you."

Hmm, so he's going to play it like that? I can play his little game, but I'm doing it my way. I stood up from the chair and walked around my desk, stopping when I was in front of his desk.

He looked up at me, a glare written all over his face.

"What?" he snapped.

"So you don't want to be near me?"

"Hell no."

I smiled and leaned towards him, until my mouth was next to his ear.

"And why is that?"

"B-because....i... You... What happened when you dropped me off.... "

"So that's it, because you actually feel something when I kissed you on the cheek?"

My mouth trailed light kisses down his jaw and to his neck. His breathing hitched. Good, at least I'm getting a reaction out of him.


I chuckled and pulled away, then made him stand up so our chest were together. I noticed something pressing against my thigh. Hmm, the little liar.

(The pretty little liar sorry couldn't help it)

"Are you sure?" I ask biting his neck softly.

He moaned a little, but bit his lip .

"I-i'm sure."

"Really, because that's not what your little friend is saying," I replied running my fingers lightly down his tent.

"M-mr. W-wang...W-we should S-stop."

"Do you want me to?" I asked kissing back up his neck.

He pushed me away, blushing deeply, he grabbed his backpack.

"Have a good day Mr. Wang," he says bowing, then leaving the room.

I smiled, at least now I know two things. One, the kid's got feelings for me. And two, I'm starting to fall for him.

Sorry if this chapter was bad 😔. I tried to make it a little fluffy, so..... Yeah. Next chapter coming up soon bye!

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