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This chapter is short.

I can't believe I slept with Jackson yesterday. I mean, I'm happy I did but I can't believe that I did. If my mom knew that I slept with my teacher....

Let's just say that I would be grounded for awhile. My mom already knows I'm gay but... Some things are better left unsaid.

Especially the embarrassing noises I made....

I can feel my cheeks turning red when I think about it. The way Jackson looked above me with his sweaty hair and-

Stop it Mark, you're going to make your friend happy.



Yugyeom sighed and rolled his eyes. "Alright who the hell is he?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about your daydreaming. You haven't been listening to a word that I said. So, who is he?"

"Why do you think I'm thinking of someone?"

"That blush on your cheeks is enough to tell me."

"I-I.... That's not.... "

"Mhm, I'm listening."

I sighed and looked around. We were on our lunch break sitting on the grass. There were a few people around, but they weren't in earshot. I leaned over to Yugyeom.

"You know Mr. Wang?"

"Yes of course I do."

"Well I'm seeing him.... Like seeing seeing him. Like-"

"Going out with him, yeah I know."

I pulled away, "What? You know?"

"Obviously, I'm your best friend, I know everything about you."


"You know it."

I chuckled, "So what were you saying?"

"Oh, the party is tonight and I am so going to party hard. But we need Bambam's help for the clothing."

"You mean your boyfriend?" I teased with a smirk.

He turned red in the face "N-No and besides... He doesn't notice me.... "

I snorted.

"What?" he asked.

"Oh come on Yugyeom, he totally notices you. I see the way he looks at you when you're not paying attention."


I nodded, "And even if he doesn't notice you... You can always make him notice you."


"Body says a lot, so does acting."

Yugyeom nodded, "Alright well... Let's just worry about picking out the right outfit first and then-"

"Hey guys," Bambam said.

He walked over to us and sat down next to Yugyeom who was red in the face, if I may add. Bambam was wearing a blue oversized sweater, black jeans, and black shoes. His hair was dyed a dirty blond and he had an earring in his ear.

"Hey, so how are the preparations for the party coming along?"

"Fine, you guys are coming right?"

"Yeah of course" I replied.

Bambam looked at Yugyeom, "And are you coming?"

"I..... I don't know... " Yugyeom looked down at the ground.

Bambam knocked his shoulder lightly against his.

"Please, I really want you there."

Yugyeom looked up, "Really?"


He smiled, "O-ok.... Yeah sure I'll go."

"Great," he smiled and bumped his shoulder against his again. "I'll see you tonight."


"Here's my number if you need anything."

Bambam took out a marker, then wrote his number on the back of Yugyeom's hand. His head was bent, making his hair brush Yugyeom's hand.

I smiled at them, they honestly were so cute. Bambam pulled away and smiled. Yugyeom returned it.

"I'll see you guys later."

"Alright, bye bambam."


He stood up and walked away, we watched him go. After he had turned the corner Yugyeom looked at me.

"Oh my..."

"Looks like you got his number," I said.

He nodded, "Looks that way."

I stood up, brushing the grass off of me then helped him up. I slung my arm around his shoulders as we headed back to the school.

"Next step, clothes."

Sorry it's short guys. I have two more days before I move. And some exciting stuff is coming up in the next chapter. Not only that, but this story is coming to an end. Ahhh, sorry for the wait guys. Love you guys! Next chapter coming soon.

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