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The car ride was quiet, I had to calm myself down before I talked to Mark.

"This isn't the way to my house," he croaked out.

"Were going to my house," I replied.

He fell silent, I glanced over at him. He was looking out the window, the street lights casted enough light to see the dark road. Everytime the street light flashes over Mark, I could see the bruises on his neck.

After fifteen minutes, we pulled up in front of my house. I got out, along with Mark as we both walked up the stairs and into my house. I took off my jacket and shoes, and waited for Mark to take his off as well.

I led him into the kitchen, turning on the kitchen light. Mark sat on the counter top, as I took out the first aid kit and grabbed some water, rubbing alcohol, and a rag. I stood in between Mark's legs as I handed him the water.

He took it and drank it in three gulps, I frowned slightly. He set the cup down.

"Thank you," he said.

"You're welcome."

I lifted his chin up slightly so I could examine his neck. There were red and dark bruises on his neck. I opened the first aid kit and looked around in it.

"What happened Mark?"

I didn't receive a reply, I looked up to find Mark looking at the floor. I lifted his chin up, so he was looking at me.

"Mark I need you to tell me what happened."

Mark stayed quiet, I sighed looked at his arms, which had cuts on them. I poured the rubbing alcohol on the rag, then pressed it against the cut. Mark hissed in pain. I removed the rag, poured more rubbing alcohol on the rag, then pressed it to another cut.

This continued on for about eight minutes, before I grabbed some bandages and wrapped them around his arm. Mark kept his hair hanging over his eyes.

"Did he do anything else to you Mark?"


"Are you sure? I don't want to have to find out later on that you have anything going on with you-"

"I'm fine okay?" he snapped.

"Is getting beat part of fine?" I asked.

Mark looked at me, his eyes filled with tears.

"You have no idea how it feels to have a dad who doesn't give a shit about you! You have no idea how it feels to feel like you're worth nothing, like you mean nothing! You don't know how it feels for your own dad to tell you that you won't amount to anything no matter how hard you try! No matter how hard you try, he still doesn't notice your accomplishments because he too drunk to even notice his lab fucking child! You have no idea how it feels Jackson."

Mark started crying, his shoulders shaking violently. His sons filled the kitchen as he cried. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close to me.

"Your right Mark, I don't know how that feels. But I do know that you have a mother who cares about you. And I know that you have me."

He cried into my chest, I patted his back, trying to calm him down. After what felt like hours, Mark had cried himself to sleep. I picked him up and carried him upstairs into my room. I laid him down in my bed, took off his shirt and pants then put on one of my shirts, and a pair of shorts. I pulled the blanket over him and kissed his forehead.

"I love you Mark."

I left the room quietly, closing the door behind me and going back downstairs. I had a few phone calls to make.


Mark's P. O. V

The feeling of a warm blanket over me woke me up. I was laying on my side, in a soft bed, curled up in a blanket. Memories of last night came into my head, followed by a huge wave of embarrassment.

I was afraid to show my face around Jackson. What if he hated me? What if he thought I was like my dad? What if he didn't want to be with me anymore? Just the thought of that made me want to cry.

I looked at the clock on the bedside table and cursed. It was 10:40 am. I was late for school, I scrabbled out of bed and hurried downstairs. The smell of eggs and bacon led me into the kitchen were I found Jackson.

He looked up, and smiled. "Morning sleepy head, how did you sleep?" he asked.

"Fine, Jackson I'm late-"

"You're not going to school today. I already called in and told them that I'd be out today as well. I also called your mom and explained everything. Including your staying arrangements. She's not very happy about your dad.... So she's discussing it with the police for child abuse. Hungry?"

I nodded and sat down, he thought of everything. He set a plate of bacon and eggs in front of me, then kissed my forehead. I blushed a little and ate the food. It's been a while since I ate anything, three days actually.

I could feel Jackson's gaze on me as I continued to eat. He set his coffee cup down with a loud thunk causing me to look at him.

"Why didn't you say anything Mark?" he asked.

I looked down and chewed slowly, I knew he'd ask but I was hoping he wouldn't. Guess I didn't get what I wished for.

"This bacon is good," I said ignoring his question.

"Mark, come on. Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry okay? It's not easy to tell someone that your dad's a drunk, and that he uses your body to get money. I'm sorry that I couldn't tell you because it would have been so easy."

Jackson sipped his coffee, "I get it, but why didn't you ever fight back?"

"I did, believe me, but he's stronger than me."

I gestured to my neck, "He almost choked me to death because I got home late. He thought I was fucking around and he decided to show me what happens when I don't listen."

Jackson was shaking with anger, "If he ever puts his hands on you again Mark, I'm killing him."

"I'm sorry."

"it's not your fault okay? Let's get your bandages changed okay?"

I nodded and stood up, Jackson grabbed the first aid kit and walked into the living room, I followed right behind him.

This is where I'm going to stop for right now. It's 3:17 in the morning, and I need to get up in two hours. So good night, afternoon, or morning. Next chapter coming soon!

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